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Every minute felt like and hour, every hour like a day and every day like a week.

And honestly it's felt like months.. maybe even years since I'd been able to do anything but lie here.

I was in an eternal sleep yet I felt like I wasn't sleeping. Just trying to force myself to move constantly. Whenever Draco talked to me it felt easier. I felt like I had movement again. I was able to squeeze his hand once but I haven't been able to get the strength again.

The closest I got was when I heard him say Astoria would be marrying him if I didn't wake. That gave me motivation to move. Though I felt trapped and don't even know what day it is I kept fighting.

I wouldn't let her win.

The only time I rested was at night. I only knew it was night because I could feel Draco laying next to me. His hand always on me. Whether on my hand, my arm. His feet touching mine. He was always touching me.

It gave me comfort.

He didn't give up on me. It made me want to come back, to stay alive. When there were times I just wished I was dead because I thought it would be easier than this. But Draco never quit, he never lost hope. So neither did I.

There was one day I felt myself being moved. I felt a breeze and smelt fresh air as I took my small breaths in. Draco's arms carrying me.
He was taking me somewhere. I tried to focus, count his steps to see if I could figure it out.

The garden. He put me down on something soft, felt like a cotton blanket.

I liked that Draco was talking to me all the time. In a normal circumstance his presence was all I needed but it almost hurt more that way. Knowing he was there and I couldn't say or do anything. When he talked I could relax with the sound of his voice. I heard it so much lately I never wanted him to stop. He would even read to me, which was the sweetest thing. He'd read muggle books, and comment on how dumb they were.

It was some of my favorite moments.

I heard my mom too. She would do the same as Draco where she would spout out anything she could to me, even Narcissa came by to tell me how much she hopes I wake. How excited she was to have me as a daughter in law.

I felt Draco's hand grasp mine. He's been squeezing it a lot. Since I squeezed it however long ago. I longed to even just hold it again.

"You can't see but I brought you to where I gave you your Christmas present" he said to me. I imagined the smile on his face as he said that and it warmed my heart. "I was going to finish that book, the lame one about a pair of spectacles or something, but I have had a lot of time to think about everything. All we've been through in this short amount of time. Thought it be nice to tell you how much I appreciate you without you interrupting to call me soft" he let out a chuckle. "I know I told you not to bring it up ever but I really am sorry about the Pansy thing. I can't believe you forgave me, I was an outright ass.
I just felt like you were never going to like me or you would leave, especially when I saw those letters. I wouldn't have blamed you if you left, but I couldn't explain to myself why it mattered so much that you didn't...
How could you chose the guy you were arranged to marry over a guy you actually chose...
I never understood why you chose me, but I'm forever grateful you did. Even if it was just for your mom.
Because I fucked up. And you handled it so well. One of the many things I admire about you."

I could feel his finger rolling over my knuckles.

"I liked that you got jealous too... made it seem like you had feelings for me. Or at least that's what I hoped it was." He scoffed. "But you know when I realized I loved you y/n? It wasn't when you took the dark mark for me, though that's when I thought it was. But when I actually fell for you.. though I didn't admit it to myself... was Christmas morning. I woke up with my hand on your thigh... you looked so peaceful until you woke up and had the worst hangover" he let out a laugh. "It was adorable...
I went out before you woke up and got you the ring. I knew it would help further our relationship and that's all that was on my mind. 'How am I going to get this amazing girl to actually want to marry me? Not just be forced to'
I thought making it official would help..." he stopped. I didn't want him to stop. I felt a warmth roll through me as he shared things he never had before. I felt strength come to my hand. I tried to squeeze his.

"Y/n?" I felt him shifting "y/n?" I then felt his strong hand on my cheek. A strength rolling through me as I tried to speak but it came out as a mumble. "Are you trying to say something?" I felt his breath on my face.

"S-o-ftie" I finally said with my weak voice.

"Did you just wake up from an eternal slumber to call me a softie?" I heard Draco asked. I tried to smile. I couldn't tell if I was or not but then I felt his lips attach to mine. I could barely kiss back but he still gave me the most gentle and passionate kiss he ever had. "We have to get you to St. Mungo's." He said pulling away with urgency. I felt him lift me again and this time I could tell he was moving faster.

"Mum! Mother! She's waking. I'm going to the hospital" he yelled. I didn't hear a response before I felt the warmth of a fireplace engulf me. The sounds of the hospital filled the air as Draco franticly tried to get me into a room and looked at. They rushed me into a room after Draco practically bribed them to hurry up.

"She's waking. She was talking, she smiled. I was told to bring her here" Draco told the healer in one breath.

"Well all we can do is give her a healing potion which should give her some strength back.. I'll try a charm as well" they asked him to leave but he refused so they allowed him to hold my hand which I was now able to grip weakly.

"Reparifors" the healer said I instantly felt strength coming back to me slowly.

Very slowly.

"I'll be back in a while to check on her" the woman said before I heard the door closing.

I felt Draco's hand run through my hair.

"Come back to me y/n" he whispered. "I need help kicking Astoria's ass" a sound of a chuckle left my lips.

Soon I heard the door open again, and felt someone walk to my side

"Honey?" It was my mom. She touched my other hand and I did all I could at the moment. Squeeze it. "Oh my gosh. How-?"

"I don't know..." Draco said softly. "I was just talking to her like I have been for the past month and she said something to me-"

"M-o-nth?" I squeezed out. I heard my mom gasp at the sound of my voice.

"Yeah. Month." Draco confirmed.

Things started to calm down as I slowly got my strength back. I heard the healer checking in on me every once in a while.

When it happened.

I was able to open my eyes and see Draco sitting in a chair next to me. I reached out to his hand that was on his face and grabbed it.

"I love you". I was able to breath out easier than the past few words I had said. I finally saw his smile again, his intoxicating smile.

"Y/n... I love you too. I knew you'd come back" he stood up and leaned over my face so he could look directly into my eyes.

"You didn't sound convincing when you would beg me to wake up over and over again" I said weakly giving him a smile.

"You giving me shit?" I gave him a small nod.

"I've missed it" I whispered he let out a chuckle that was somewhat mixed with a sigh of relief.

"I missed it too" he said leaving his forehead against mine.

The Marriage Deal (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now