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I had to spend a few days in the hospital until I got my strength back.

Draco didn't leave my side once, sleeping on the chair in the room, until I convinced him to curl up in bed with me.

The healers weren't too happy with that.

I didn't care though. I could finally wrap my arms around him again and I didn't want to wait a second more to do so.

"I've missed you..." I said quietly as we laid in the hospital bed. We were on our sides looking at each other. I was going to be able to leave soon, and I'd have all the time in the world to be with Draco.

"I was with you all the time, you heard me speaking to you right?" I nodded.

"I know. It was the only thing that brought me comfort. But you," I brought my hand to his cheek and stared into his alluring blue eyes. "I missed you" my hands found their way to his hair, running them through his soft locks. I soon wanted to touch every piece of him. I dragged my finger down his sharp jawline. Traced his lips. He watched me intently as I took in his features like I've never seen them before. Not taking them for granted like I did before this whole mess. I brought them down his arms, feeling the curve of his muscles. Then down to his ass and gave it a squeeze.

"Woah Avery" Draco jumped from surprise. Once the shock passed he gave me a smirk. "You trying to get me in trouble?"

I bit my lip and nodded. Before I knew it his
lips were on mine, moving as one. I let out a small moan as I remembered the feeling of being able to get lost in him. I rubbed my hand across his back, enjoying the feeling of his muscles tensing from holding me so tightly. He pulled my waist closer making me feel him. I pulled away slightly giving him a smirk of amusement. He was smirking back at me when my hand soon found his tightened pants. His eyes rolled back and let out a low growl as I moved my hand across him.

"You're free to go-" the door swung open and the healer whose been watching me walked in. I pulled my hand away from Draco's nether regions and moved away from him. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

"Great thanks" I said a little too quickly. She gave us a put off look.

"Damn kids" she muttered as she rolled her eyes before walking out.

Draco and I both let out a laugh when she was gone.

"Oops" I said sarcastically as he moved a piece of hair from my face. "you ready to go home?" I asked changing the subject.

"I may need a moment." He said looking down then closing his eyes. I giggled and sat up in bed, still feeling a bit weak. I felt Draco's hand land on my lower back as he sat up next to me. "You okay?" I nodded before gripping onto the bed to stand. I was careful not to let go prematurely in case my legs gave out

Which they did.

Draco was quick out of bed and caught me before I could fall to the floor. 

"Thanks" I said softly. "I forgot how to walk" I joked. He rolled his eyes.

"I invited Daphne and Blaise over.. they wanted to see you" I nodded trying to get the feel for walking like a toddler would. "You look ridiculous" Draco laughed.

"Shut up" I hit him lightly on the chest. "I want to see how well you do walking after not doing it for over a month." I shook my head and felt myself being able to regain my stability. Walking like normal, just slower. "See good as new" He let out a soft chuckle, walking with his arm around my waist in case there was another mishap.

We used the floo network to get back to the manor. My mother and Narcissa were waiting on the other end to greet me with tight hugs.

Our fathers no where to be seen as usual. Not that I am complaining.

"Your friends are in the other room." Narcissa smiled. She led the way, Draco trailing behind me. As soon as I entered the living space I was engulfed by two bodies

"So glad you're okay." I heard Daphne whisper in my ear.

"Yeah gave us a real scare there" Blaise added. I let out a small laugh. When I pulled out of the hug they were both smiling at me.

"How are you feeling?" Daphne asked.

"Better, still a bit weak but just happy to be back" I smiled at her and she returned it. Daphne's smile faltered a little. I turned to follow her gaze.

"What is she doing here" I asked in a low growl. I suddenly felt my strength regain as I saw Astoria smiling at the entrance of the room. I was fuming, I'm surprised there wasn't actual smoke coming out of my ears.

"Heard you talking to mum and dad Daph.. thought I'd come see for myself-" I didn't let her finish before I had my wand out and pointed directly at her. The smirk on her face disappeared as I darted towards her she backed away from me with every step I took until her back was against the wall. She had fear in her eyes.

"Give me one reason I shouldn't hex you into oblivion right now" I spat at her. "How fucking dare you show up here" I put my wand under her chin and lifted it.

"As if I wanted to see you again. Next time I was supposed to see you I was going to be married. Putting the poor girl in the eternal sleep out of her misery." She tried to say confidently but her voice was shaking.

"Y/n" I heard Draco behind "Don't do anything rash.. just breath.." I know he was speaking with good intention. He wanted to hurt the girl as much as I did but was probably worried I'd kill her on the spot.

"Breath?! The girl who put me into a coma to marry you is here and you want me to breath?!" I didn't look back at him I kept my eyes and wand at her at all times.

"Just don't do anything you'll regret" he stated.

"Oh don't worry, I had a lot of time to think thanks to her. I'm not going to kill her" I smiled as she let out a small sigh. Pushing my wand into her chin harder. "I'm sure she's  wondering what it's like to be trapped inside her own head. Knowing the man she loves is going to marry someone else... huh Astoria? You were nice enough to give me that gift. Least I can do is return the favor."

"As if you even know that curse" she said, her voice shaking.

"I don't need a curse to put you into a coma. I think I can muster the strength to get you there on my own" I sneered at her. I grabbed her by her shirt and threw her to the floor. I raised my arm to punch her but I felt someone stop me. I turned and saw Daphne holding my elbow.

"You know had it been anyone else I would let you do that in a heartbeat but I can't. My parents will kill me" I looked at her for a moment, her eyes filled with concern. I pulled my arm out of her grasp and looked back at Astoria who was shaking.

I suppose seeing her like this is good enough.

For now.

"Your lucky your sister is a good person... unlike you. Watch your back Greengrass." I snarled before looking back at everyone with mixed expressions on their faces.

Were they really judging me for this right now?

"I'm going to bed." I said softly before storming past everyone. "Thanks for coming to celebrate me waking up, wish the bitch that put us in this mess didn't ruin it." I mumbled on my way out.

If I see her face again she won't be half as lucky.

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