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The next morning was a Saturday and I was grateful to allow myself to sleep in. We had stayed up pretty late last night looking at the stars. It honestly felt like a dream. It's nice that Draco and I have found we get along well. I can't imagine marrying someone who I despise.

My dream like state ceased when my eyes fluttered open I saw the bedside table. My heart dropped knowing what was inside of it.

I put my weight into my elbow turning my body towards the table. I turned to look at Draco peacefully sleeping beside me. I sat on the edge of the bed before taking the note out quickly and running to the bathroom. I sat on the floor against the door and sighed before slowly opening the note.


I know last time we talked we broke up. Something about an arranged marriage you can't get out of.

I tried to let you go I really did y/n, but I love you. I can never let you go.

Run away with me. Come back to the states. We can hide from whatever dangers there are just please come home.

I can't live without you.


As I read I felt numb.

Months ago I would have wanted nothing more than to receive a letter like this and run away with the guy I loved. But the blank stare on my face stayed put. I sat and stared at the note for a long time when I felt Draco knock on the door. I stood up quickly before he cracked it open.

"Are you okay? I heard - " his eyes glanced to the note. "What's that?"

"It's.. it's Uh.. from.." there was a sadness in my voice. Not because I longed to leave with Damian but out of fear of Draco seeing the note. "A letter.. from Damian" I said truthfully. I couldn't bring it upon myself to lie to him. I saw his Adam's apple bob as he gulped.

"Um.. what's it say?" He asked softly. I just handed him the note and let him read it. When he looked back at me he didn't look me in the eyes. "Are you leaving?" He asked. It sounded as if his voice was wavering slightly but he was hiding it well.

"Of course not" I said quietly. He looked back at the letter again and rubbed the back of his head.

"You should get rid of it then" he handed it back to me and I just nodded. "Don't want the wrong person to see it" he added meeting my eyes briefly. There was a new tension in the air that hadn't been there since we first met. I couldn't help but feel like any progress we made towards being friends was just rocked by this damn letter.

Later I was by the lake with Daphne as I needed to talk to someone about this shit show. I gave her the letter to read.

"Wow.. this guys got it bad" I nodded and took the letter back. I looked at in one more time before placing it in the lake.

"Incendio" I pointed my wand at the paper and it burst into flames. Daphne and I watched for a moment before continuing our conversation.
"It really shook Draco... the letter" I muttered

"He probably just forgot you had someone before this.. might be scared you'll leave" she reasoned.

"I told him I wasn't leaving though. Even if I wanted to I would never put him or my mother in that type of danger anyways." I said with a sigh.

"What exactly was the marriage deal again?" She asked.

"Well we had gotten an offer from the Malfoy's a while back saying something about wanting to continue the pureblood line. They thought I was a good prospect. My parents declined at first, but once all our money was gone thanks to my father... my dad reached back out. Figured if I could marry into money they'd be set for life. But this time they threw in that my parents were to be death eaters if this marriage were to work out. My father accepted without hesitation" I shrugged. "My mother and I had no say in the matter at that point."

"Damn" was all Daphne has to say at that point.

"With him involved there's more risk. If I leave there is a chance of them getting harmed one way or another and I'm not willing to take that chance. But even then I don't think I even love Damian anymore." I muttered. Daphne had a smile growing on her face.

"You starting to like Malfoy huh?" There was a blush in my cheeks as she said that.

"We're friends now. Which is great." Was how I answered that question. I was convinced that I was only feeling like this because of our close quarters.

"You'll be more than friends by the end of the year" she elbowed my side and made me giggle.

"If we're not all dead by then" I joked. I'd rather joke about my death than ever think about putting any feelings out there and getting them turned down by my own fiancé.

Things tend to move at an illogically fast rate when you live with someone like this right? Could just be infatuation, could be nothing.

"Doesn't matter. We've taken a few steps back since the letter." I said nodding towards where the fire once was.

"He'll be back. You know I only can hope that I get as lucky as you and Draco did in this arranged marriage stuff. You two will actually be really good together, coming from someone who knows you both now" she giggled.

"We will see" we both got up and made our way to lunch. When we walked in I saw Draco sitting next to that evil girl from the train. Pansy. They were laughing about something and I held my breathe for a moment. I felt nauseous looking at them. The short conversation I had with Draco about them coming back to my thoughts.

We had a thing if you can even call it that

I was going to sit next to him but it was taken. So I sat next to Blaise on the other side, giving him a small smile before placing myself there. Daphne on my other side. I just hoped lunch wouldn't be completely awful.

That wasn't the case. She didn't talk to me once surprisingly but it's probably because she was giving all her attention to Draco. She hung all over him the entire time, whispering in his ear and touching him endlessly. As if they were dating.

And he let her.

The Marriage Deal (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now