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There was a loud bang on the door.

Draco and I shot out of bed.

"What was that?" I asked softly.

We were also still naked.

"Get dressed. Quickly" Draco said already out of bed and throwing on his suit that was still on the floor.

Another bang.

"One second." He yelled shuffling quickly. I grabbed a sweater and jeans quickly so he could open the door.

"Potter. He was spotted in Hogsmead. I need you to search the castle." Snape sneered he then looked at me. "You too" he snapped before stomping away.

"Shit. Is this happening?" My voice was shaking as we stood staring at the door for a moment. Before I felt a pain in my arm. I turned to look at Draco wincing with pain as well.

"Appears so." He looked at me and there was a glint of fear in his eyes before he covered it up. He wakes up to me and took my cheeks in his hands. "Don't leave my side." Draco looked into my eyes deeply.

"Draco I can fend for myself."

"Y/n this is not the time to debate. Please stay with me" he grabbed my hand pulled me out of the room, towards the door where the rest of the students where leaving as well.

"Daphne!" She stopped in her tracks and ran back to me.

"Y/n, Draco what's happening?" I just looked between her and Draco for a moment. When I looked back at her it was as if she knew exactly what was happening now.

"Stay safe. Please?" I whispered to her and gave her a hug. She nodded.

"You guys too... stay safe" she had a look of nerves on her face. As she turned back and joined the group of Slytherins going to the great hall.

Draco pulled me out of the door and in the opposite direction of the other students as we started doing our rounds. We ran through every hallway all the way up the castle and back down.


Until we saw the Slytherins being guided away from the great hall.

"What the..?" Draco turned to me and looked at me confused. We both followed the crowd and realized they were locking them up in the dungeons.

Why would they do that...? Draco and I got closer to the cells and I saw Daphne.

"Daph what's going on?"

"They don't trust us. They think we're all on his side." She said hesitantly looking at us. I took my wand and pointed it at the door.


"Oh it can't be that easy" I heard Draco say from behind me before the door creaked open. I turned to look at him.

"Obviously it is. Let's go" I grabbed Daphne and Draco stopped me for a moment.
As the rest of the Slytherins flooded out of the room.

"I'm going to grab Blaise and Crabbe and go find Potter. You stick with Daphne." I looked at him trying to hide the fact that I didn't want him to leave me as much as he didn't want to go.

"Draco you said you weren't going to leave me.. anyways it's my job too-"

"I don't care. You're not safe with me anymore, that's all I care about." Not safe with him? how was I not safe? He turned to look at Daphne, "Daph, just keep her in your sight. I know you can fend for yourself but don't let anything happen to her please" he looked at her with pleading eyes and she nodded.

The Marriage Deal (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now