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"It's going to be good. Maybe this will give you some closure." I said as we stood outside Daphne and Katie's new flat. I could tell he was nervous though he tried to hide it. His breathing was a bit heavier and he was trying to keep himself cool so he wouldn't sweat through his button down.

I love Draco in suits but I finally convinced him to wear something more casual. And by more casual I mean his black slacks and a white button down shirt. It's a start.

"Just be ready to go if it doesn't go well" he said softly. I nodded, knowing it would bring him some comfort to know I would leave with him if there was any awkwardness or ill will. I knocked on their door and we were instantly greeted by Daphne.

"I'm so happy you came!" She squealed when she opened the door. I handed her the small house plant I was holding in my arms. "You didn't have to get us anything"

"Yes I did! Take it! It's not much anyways, just thought you'd like some greenery now that you're in the city and all." She took it and wrapped me into a hug. She looked at the plant  closely. "it's great, thank you"

"We also brought a few bottles of wine." I smiled pointing to Draco's hand that was big enough to hold two bottles with it.

"That's too much" she sighed. I shook my head and started to move past her  

"Never too much" I laughed. She then went to hug Draco and take the bottles of wine he was holding for her. I saw a brunette girl wearing a summer dress waiting in the kitchen.

"You must be Katie" I said with a big smile.

"That's me," she smiled back and rubbed her arm to release nervous energy.

I walked up to her and held my arms out to see if she would accept a hug. She was hesitant but accepted graciously.

"It's so good to meet you. Even though with the way Daphne talks about you I feel like I already have."  She smiled sweetly and a light blush came to her cheeks. She looked behind me to see Draco. She cleared her throat.

"Draco, I'm glad you could make it. I know how much your friendship means to Daph" she said softly. I looked at him and he just gulped and nodded. I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "To relive the tension I just want to say Draco, I've forgiven you. Daphne has explained your situation to me. Also seeing the way you acted when y/n had been hurt made me look at you in a different way. I don't want there to be any weird tension between us" she rubbed her arm and awaited his answer.

"I completely understand if you didn't want to forgive me. But thank you. It means a lot" he gave her a small smile.

"Wine anyone?" Daphne said walking to an already prepped counter with a bottle of red wine and six empty glasses.

"Is Blaise bringing someone?" Draco asked looked at the number of glasses.

"Yeah when I had the conversation with him about mine and Katie's relationship, and that you two were coming he insisted he brought somebody. Something about not wanting to be the only single one in the room" she scoffed as she opened the wine.

"Who is he bringing?" Draco asked, Daphne shrugged.

"I think he said something about a friend from Beauxbaton" she said pouring a glass for Draco and I. Thats when we heard a knock on the door.

"Speak of the devil" I muttered giving Draco a small laugh. Daphne opened the door to let in Blaise and a beautiful blonde girl who was very tall and petite.

"Evening everyone" Blaise said after handing a bottle of wine to Daphne. He gave her a hug and started greeting us. He came to give me a hug and when he pulled away I chuckled lightly.

The Marriage Deal (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now