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Draco POV

I got into my sweats before heading back out to the room. I could hear soft sobs coming from the chair. I rubbed my temples with my hands not knowing what to do. Should I comfort her? I don't think we're anywhere near that close yet. But I can't just ignore her can I? I stood there for another moment weighing my options. I went over and sat in the other chair. Looking across at her. As soon as she noticed I was there she wiped her tears from her eyes.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Was the best thing I could think of saying. She sat up in the chair and then ran her hand through her hair.

"I don't know" she said under her breathe. She was fidgeting with her hands in her lap.

"Did you love him?" I felt as though I was prying but I was a bit curious. She looked me in my eyes.

"I did" my heart dropped slightly for her. I couldn't imagine having to go through that. "We broke up as soon as I found out. I figured it be easier to separate myself from him sooner rather than later." She said quietly.

I was struggling with how to comfort someone who was still a stranger to me. I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable but I felt the urge to hold her.

"I'll be fine.. time heals all wounds right" she laughed lightly as if she was trying to cover her pain. I gave her a small smile. I admired that she always tried to lighten the mood even if she didn't have to.

"You should sleep in the bed." I said softly. "I can sleep here if you're more comfortable." She shook her head.

"I'm fine here. You can't sleep here you're a whole foot taller than me" she chuckled again and I smiled.

"Well I can sleep above the covers" I offered. I'd feel bad if she slept on these small ass chairs all night. She looked at me hesitantly the looked down. I leaned down to try and make eye contact with her. "I don't bite I promise" I gave her a smirk and made her smile lightly.

"Okay" she said softly and got off the chair. She walked over to the bed and got in on the side closer to the fire. I grabbed the blanket she was just using and brought it to the opposite side. Getting on top of the covers like I promised. We were both laying on our backs and looking up at the ceiling.

"Y/n?" We were laying as far away from each other as possible.

"Yes?" She muttered.

"I really am sorry about all of this."

"Me too Draco." She looked at me with sorrow. "What can you do? Right?" She shrugged again.

"Right" I answered with a long sigh. "Goodnight y/n"

"Goodnight Draco"


The next morning I awoke with the sun in my eyes. I turned the opposite way and jumped slightly forgetting I was sharing a bed now. I watched as y/n breathed slowly. She looked peaceful. I sighed and got out of bed trying not to wake her.

I grabbed my towel and went into the bathroom. Turning on the shower and standing under it for as long as I could trying to let the water wash away any worries I had. When I was done I dried off with my towel. I heard shuffling on the other side of the door.


I should have brought my robes in.. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.. but I also didn't have another choice. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked out.

"Morning" I said to her. She looked up and her eyes trailed my body before I saw a light blush come to her cheeks. She turned away quickly but it made me smirk.

"Morning." She said grabbing her robes and pushing past me quickly before I heard the shower come back on.

Did she just check me out? The thought kept a small smile on my face. I know we're both shoved into this terrible situation but she was a beautiful girl. I'd be crazy if I didn't feel a flip in my stomach slightly from what just happened.

I couldn't help but think of what Blaise said on the train yesterday. I mean at least we find each other attractive or it seems she finds me attractive. Can't really know for sure.

She walked out some time later pretty much all ready to go. I waited for her by the door so I could help her to the first classes of the day.

"You ready?" I asked with raised eyebrows. She nodded. "Great. If we leave now we can grab some quick breakfast before our first class" she nodded again and grabbed her bag filled with books. We walked down to the great hall together, it was pretty full at this point.

"Good morning love birds" Zabini smiled as we sat down at the table across from him and Greengrass.

"How was your first night?" Daphne asked y/n.

"It was fine" she muttered. I started loading my plate with food, as did she. We ate quietly before Daphne broke it again.

"Y/n, do you want to walk to class with me?" She smiled across to her. I looked over and saw a small smile on her face as she nodded. "Great! We'll see you boys there." She looked between Blaise and I before standing up. I watched y/n closely as she left.

"So. How was your night?" Zabini asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Uneventful." I muttered.

"Your first night uneventful?" He looked at me with shock.

"We've known each other for a week"

"That's never stopped you before" he gave me a suggestive look. I chuckled slightly.

"Yeah well she's my fiancé. It's best if we take things slow. Plus she had to leave someone to be here" I added in that last part quietly.

"Leave someone?" He asked "like.. a boyfriend" I nodded to confirm his suspicion. I think he could see the worry on my face. I felt for her, I did. But I mean is it wrong of me to hope we could eventually...

"I'm sure it will work out. Being thrown into a marriage with a stranger isn't easy but you two seem to get along well already. She won't be able to resist that Malfoy charm sooner or later" Blaise said interrupting my thoughts. I laughed and rolled my eyes at him.

"Shut it Zabini" I snapped at him, I couldn't help but hope he was right though.

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