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I stormed up the stairs of the astronomy tower and burst through the door. Pansy was basically on top of Draco sucking his face.

I wanted to barf.

Their heads turned towards me immediately. Draco had a look of confusion on his face while Pansy looked up with pride.

"You came to see the show?" She chirped. I didn't even look at her, I kept my gaze on Draco.

"Y/n" he got up slowly. I couldn't tell if the regret in his eyes was from feeling bad for doing this, or being caught.

"Pansy leave" I uttered softly.

"You can't tell me what to do." She stood as well, stopping her foot down like a 5 year old.

"I think fiancé takes precedence over side piece, don't you Draco?" I said sarcastically and crossing my arms. I continued to look at Draco and not pay any mind to Pansy.

"Pansy out" Draco snapped.


"I said out" he yelled back at her. She ran out of the room faster than a gazelle being hunted by a lion. I tried to hide my amusement at the site and keep my gaze on Draco. My amusement soon faded as I remembered why I was there.

"Tell me Draco.. am I waisting my time here?" I said stepping closer to him. He didn't say anything. "Because if you want to be with Pansy, please don't let me get in the way." My words were filled with anger and sarcasm. He just looked at me. Saying nothing. Just like our first fight. "You know how disrespectful it is to go around snogging someone you're not engaged to?" I continued, hoping something I say will trigger a response.

"We don't even know each other yet, y/n" There it is. I could see his jaw clench with anger.

"Yeah. That's what we're supposed to be doing.. getting to know each other Draco. But I see that getting to know me is such a bore that you have to go eat off Parkinson's face instead" I said waving my hand towards the door she had jest left through.

"You haven't talked to me in a month!" He shouted.

"You haven't apologized for sneaking around with a girl who Isn't. Your. Fiancé!" I stomped even closer to him. He just looked down at the ground and rubbed the back of his head.

"But what about you? You're still getting letters from Damon-"

"Damian" I corrected.

"Damian. Whatever." He scoffed

"And where did you find those letters Draco?" He was silent. "In the trash. I didn't even entertain the idea of reading them because I knew if I did there was a possibility it would make you uncomfortable" my voice softened slightly as I remembered his reaction to the first letter he read.

"As far as I know you're not reading them because you can't bear to hear from the man you love" he was still looking down. His voice seemed to have softened as well.

"Loved." I muttered.


"Loved... past tense" I said as I looked out to the view. I didn't like admitting that I had already fallen out of love with Damian. It made me feel like I was never in love in the first place.

"I thought you were going to leave me.." he said sadly. "No one ever stays" he muttered. I looked back at him and walked over to take a seat against the wall. He joined me shortly after, his arm grazed mine as we both stared at anything but each other.

"I'm sure that's not true." I said softly. He let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"Yeah Pansy for whatever reason can't seem to get enough of me" I looked at my hands fidgeting in my lap uncomfortable with his statement. "That's why I tend to Uh..." he cleared his throat.

"Lead her on?" I asked softly.

"Yeah I guess"

"That's not fair to her either you know.." I looked at him but he kept looking at his lap.

"The letter upset me. I just figured you'd leave so I went to the only person in this school who fawns over me..."

"You couldn't go to Blaise or even Daphne?" He shook his head.

"Well I could have I suppose.. but I don't talk about feelings. I'm not good at it. With Pansy all I have to do is snog her" his voice trailed off.

"You know Draco.. I left my life and my friends and... Damian.. to come here and for you waltz around sticking your tongue down a girls throat because of a letter that I didn't even answer.." He let out another long sigh.

"You're right" he looked up at me "I don't know why I keep doing this to you.. to myself. I mean I really can't stand her" he let out a small chuckle, so did I. It helped, hearing that he couldn't stand her. It gave me hope that he wouldn't up and leave me either.

"You say your don't talk about feelings but you've already opened up to me quite a bit." I said giving him a small shove. I thought I was going crazy when I saw a pink hue on his cheeks.

"You're different" was all he said to that before looking at me with a small smile. I continued looking at him for a long moment before turning my gaze back out to the view. There was a comfortable silence as the cold winter breeze blew across our faces.

"I'm sorry.." he muttered. "For putting you through that. I know if the tables were turned I'd act the same way you did." I looked at him and gave him a small smile.

"Now was that so hard" I joked, he rolled his eyes.

"Painful really" he muttered but I made a smile appear on his face.

"I can imagine, since it took you a freaking month!" I whacked his chest and we both laughed.

"I'm an ass remember?" I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah and you're living up to it Mr. I'm-going-to-do-better" I looked at him as he laughed again. I leaned my head against the wall and looked up in relief that this bullshit was over.

"So when are you going to give me the love potion?" He asked turned to look at me, I meet his gaze and raised my eyebrows at him

"I'm sorry what?" He had a big smirk on his face.

"Your little friend. He's obsessed. Love potion obsessed" he leaned closer to me and whispered the last part in my ear. 

"Excuse me! I didn't give him love potion okay?"

"Whatever you say y/n" he said sarcastically and added in a wink. I pursed my lips and looked back down at my hands.

"I'll send him a letter to stop... are you happy?" I said copying his comment from a month ago.

"Ecstatic." He smirked at me. I stood up and offered my hand. He looked at it for a moment before grabbing it and pulling himself up. He looked down at me, a new softness in his expression. I suppose I got lost in his eyes because we ended up standing there for what felt like hours. "You'll have forever to look at me love, don't have to do it all in one night" he gave me another smirk and a wink. The cold air all of a sudden disappeared as I felt my cheeks go warm. I looked down and noticed we were still holding hands as well.

"We should get to bed" I said quickly dropping his hand and walking towards the door. I could hear his footsteps behind me but I didn't turn around.

I just smiled at the idea that things felt normal again.

If being set up to marry a death eater for his families money is normal.


I'm really happy there are people enjoying this story just as much as I'm enjoying writing it!! Thank you to everyone who's been commenting and voting! It means a the world and it doesn't go unnoticed!

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