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Dinner that night was more delicious than ever, probably because I hadn't had anything other than chocolate within 24 hours.

When I joined the others in the great hall I was greeted with smiles.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Daphne said giving me a hug before I could sit down. "I can't believe you stood up to them like that"

I sat next to Draco as Daphne returned to her seat across from me.

"I mean I'm not the first to do it.." I said quietly starting to load food onto my plate.

"Yeah but... with your predicament.." she eyed Draco and then returned her gaze back to me.

"I didn't want to put anyone else in danger. Luckily they saw it as purely my actions and no one else's..." I glanced at Draco briefly before looking back at my food. "I don't know what I'd do if they hurt someone else because of me" I kept eating and thinking about my parents, well my mom mostly. Hoping this didn't effect them too much going forward.

"All I know is it was pretty badass" I let out a chuckle at her sentiment.

"Thanks Daph" I smiled. We ended up hanging out in the Slytherin common room for a while after dinner just talking. Blaise and Draco had started playing a round of wizards chess and Daphne ended up reading a book next to me on the couch.

"I think I'll turn in early" I said getting up from the couch. They all wished me a good night and I walked to the room. After I got into my pajamas I jumped at the sight of an all too familiar owl on my windowsill.

It couldn't be.

I grabbed the letter from the owls talons and looked at the front. It had my name on it in the writing I knew so well.


My breath quickened without me noticing. I shouldn't open it right? Who knows what it says. I stood there staring at the letter when I heard the door knob start to turn. I quickly shoved the letter into the bedside table in front of me before Draco walked in. I turned my body to face the door and he gave me a look of concern as he entered the room.

"You okay? Looks like you just saw a ghost" he laughed knowing that seeing a ghost in this school really isn't something out of the norm.

"I'm okay" I let out a small chuckle. "I'm just... not feeling well again" I said, fully telling the truth. That letter made me feel woozy. I laid into bed as Draco continued to shuffle the room and get ready to do the same. I stared at the ceiling in thought.

What could he possibly want? He hasn't talked to me since the beginning of summer.. when I told him about.. Draco. Well my arranged marriage more like, I didn't know it was to Draco at the time.

The thought of Damian made my heart beat faster but not in the same way it used to. I was more nervous about what he had to say than anything. I didn't want to hear from him at all since that day...

The weight of Draco climbing onto the bed pulled me out of my thoughts.

"I admire what you did yesterday" Draco let out a large sigh, him also looking up at the ceiling but his words caused me to look over at him. "I never had the courage to do that" he let out a small laugh.

"Yeah well.. I put you and my parents in danger by doing it so I wouldn't say it's something to admire"

"You stood up for something you believed in.. that stands for something" I looked back up. Not feeling tired enough to sleep, probably because I was sleeping most of the day. I felt Draco's eyes on the side of my head.

"You tired?" I looked at him with disbelief as if he just read my mind, and shook my head.

"No" a small smile grew on my face.

"Good" he stood up and came around to my side of the bed holding out his hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"I want to show you something" I looked at him through squinted eyes before grabbing his hand and pulling myself out of bed with his help. "You're going to want a jacket" I looked at him confused again but grabbed my jacket from the hook as he led me out the door. We walked through the empty corridors making sure not to be caught the entire time before we made it to a spiral staircase. He grabbed my hand again and pulled me up the stairs. We entered into a large open room that overlooked the entire grounds. You could see the stars so clearly from up here.

"Wow" I whispered. I stepped into the room taking in everything.

"I used to come up here a lot last year.. to think" Draco said from behind me.

"I see why. It's gorgeous up here." I walked over to the railing. I saw the lake and hills in the distance as well as the millions of stars above.

"You know anything about the constellations?" He asked joining me at the railing.

"I learned most of them.." I was staring at the sky looking to point one out. "Isn't that one scorpius?" He looked where I was pointing and let out a small chuckle. He grabbed my wrist and brought my hand down slightly.

"That one's scorpius" he said quietly. I looked at him, I didn't realize how close we were in that moment. I saw his side profile staring at the sky, his hand still on my wrist, my heart fluttered. He started to move it again. "That one is Cassiopeia" my hand was now pointing at the top of the sky, he moved it down again. "Ursa Minor" I laughed.

"Everyone knows that one come on" he let out a small laugh as he moved my hand one last time.

"You know that one?" I squinted my eyes at the group of stars but I didn't see what he was talking about. "That ones Draco" he said with amusement. I finally pulled my arm down to the railing and looked back at him.

"Why didn't I know that" he shrugged but gave me a smirk. "Your parents have a thing for astronomy?"

"My mom. Her family has a tradition with naming their kids with stars and constellations." I looked at him with a smile.

"But Narcissa isn't a star.. no?" He shook his head.

"No but she didn't want to stop the tradition, hence Draco" I was enjoying getting this insight into his family. "I think I'd like to continue it myself" he said looking back up to the sky. There was a short silence.

"How many kids do you want?" I asked him, not connecting the fact that we at one point would be married and will be having this discussion again.

"Just one I think"

"One?" I let out a chuckle "I think at least two" he looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "I hated being an only child, I want my kids to experience having a larger family" I said sighing and overlooking the grounds.

"Our kids" he corrected. I looked back at him to see he had a big smirk on his face. "Too soon?" I let out another laugh and shoved him lightly.

"Yeah maybe" I muttered. There were times I forgot I was to marry Draco, that we were arranged to start a pureblood family. I was busy focusing on growing our friendship over the last month.

"We can talk about it later" he said softly. There was a small silence again. I wish I knew what he was thinking about in this moment.

Did he think I was a good match? Did he want me to be the mother of his kids? Did he even want to touch me in that way? I decided to take the risk and ask.

"What are you thinking about?" I turned to look at his side profile again as a small smile grew to his face.

"Wouldn't you like to know" he said with sass I rolled my eyes and lightly hit my hand against his chest. He looked back at me with soft eyes. "What about you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" I said mocking his tone of voice. He let out a laugh as we continued to look at each other.

Every time I looked at him I found a new feature that surprised me. This time was his eyes. They always looked grey, but I could see now that they were lit up by the moon, they had a blue tint to them.

That moment was exactly what I needed to forget about the parchment laying in my bedside table.

The Marriage Deal (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now