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It's been a few days and I continued on my patrols around the castle. It had been a complete bore without Draco here. I've been reading a lot more since that's all there is. We had gotten so used to being together... that at this point it didn't feel right sleeping alone either.

Today will be nice though as I'm headed to Hogsmead to meet my mom... well I hope it's nice even if only for a while. It'll be nice to change my routine at least.

When I arrived at the three broomsticks she was already there. It took me a moment to find her as she was in the back corner, away from everyone. She stood up and gave me a prolonged hug.

"Hi sweetie" she muttered. I could tell she wasn't looking forward to this conversation

"Hi.." a women came to take our order as I sat down. We got some lunch and some drinks before we started talking again.

"How's it been, being back?" She asked.

"Fine" I shrugged. "Been a bit boring since Draco's been back home. Don't have anyone to talk to at the moment" I gave her a small smile.

"I like him" she said softly. "I feel a bit less guilty knowing we put you with someone as caring as him."

"He's pretty timid to show people that.. I'm surprised you even know" I said through a soft chuckle.

"Yes well... Christmas made me see that" she hesitated and that's how I knew the conversation was coming. "When we went on our walk he showed me the ring" she pointed to my finger that was wrapped around my butterbeer where my ring had stayed since that day. "Asked me if you'd like it." She smiled to herself. "I had told your father of the happenings on that day.. including Damian. That night... your father... he went out and found him" her smile was now gone and she had cleared her throat. "Wanted Draco to torture him for coming by.. kill him even"

My thoughts were having a hard time keeping up with her words.

"He didn't and they were not happy with him"

"They?" I asked.

"Not only your father but his as well. The meeting with the dark lord was called. They feared the relationship with you was making him... soft" she cleared her throat again. Her eyes started to glisten. "He was told to push his feelings for you away. You were to be his wife and make a family, that was it. Feelings were weakness. He is using you against him."

"He.. Voldemort?" I asked quietly. She nodded.

"I tried to get involved. But they wouldn't hear what I had to say. I figured since.." A tear fell down her cheek. "Since..." she wiped the tears and tried to keep going. "I asked them why they were putting you in so much danger.. since... there was a possibility you were his daughter.."

My mind went blank. His daughter. What did she mean by his daughter and possibly

"Mom what are you saying?" My voice was shaking.

"Roughly nine months before you were born... I had left your father briefly. He was verbally abusive and showing signs of being physically abusive. I knew Tom as a family friend and he offered for me to stay with him. Well Y/n, long story short is I don't know who your father is" her voice trailed off.

"Tom.. Tom Riddle? You fucked Voldemort?"

"Y/n-" she said more stern.

"I don't understand.. why did you get a test done or something? Shouldn't I know who my father is?" My mind was still spinning words leaving my mouth like vomit before I could even think them through.

"Tom didn't want you. He told me to leave and never see him again. So I just went home. I got back with your father and I thought I'd never have to worry about it again to be honest."

"So did you fuck dad or Voldemort first?"

"Y/n Avery that is enough" she said through gritted teeth.

"Well it's a bit much to take in don't you think?!" I almost yelled.

"Come on. Let's go outside." She said standing. She went over to the bar to pay and we left. Finding a more secluded area to talk in.

"Please just let me finish before you make any more obscene comments." I nodded as we sat on a bench. There was old snow on the ground I pushed around with my feet as she continued. "As you know your father and I were arranged. We were told to start a family immediately but we had gotten into a huge fight. He was throwing things, punching the wall. So I left. Tom comforted me.. but he took advantage of me in my vulnerable state.." she said softly.

"Wait you didn't willingly..?" she shook her head. Making me feel guilty for my comments earlier.

"Once he found out about you he said he never wanted to see me again. He didn't want a daughter. So I went back to your father, like I said. That brings us to last spring. We were surprised when the Malfoy's reached out for your hand in marriage to Draco. We said no at first, knowing you were happy in your relationship and at your school. But then your fathers gambling got worse and we lost everything. They offered again, saying Draco is meant to inherit their heir and we would be welcome to it through you at that point. But we would need to be loyal to the Dark Lord. I tried to get you out of it but your father jumped at the chance... he still did not know of the situation, until Christmas. Voldemort wanted to give you the mark and have you stand by his side during the war. I said no. That's when I brought up that you were in too much danger. He apparently at some point he decided that having a daughter could be of use.. and that was part of the plan too. For you to be closer for his disposal."

I stared at her in disbelief. Not sure how to take the news.

"Draco was shocked by the news. Probably why he didn't talk to you, that plus the accusations that you were making him too soft. But he stood up for you... told Voldemort you were to be an ally in the war and nothing more."

"That didn't end well..." I assumed.

"No.." I knew what happened and I didn't ask any more questions about it. I tried to push the thoughts of both my mother and Draco going through the cruciatus curse for me out of my head.

"How are you and dad" I asked hesitantly.

"Doing better now. I explained to him the situation and he is coming around to believing me" she said diverting her eyes.

"Coming around to believing you.. you mean he doesn't believe that you were raped?" I saw her wince at my words. "Sorry" I said softly. She put her hand on my shoulder.

"I know you mean well dear. We'll be fine okay. Don't worry about us, just keep yourself safe" she gave me a soft smile. Her bravery was always the trait I admired the most about her, now even more than ever.

"I need to go make a patrol" I said quietly standing from my seat but her hand gripped mine.

"You know. Whoever it is. As much as it pains me to think about my actions... I don't regret what I did because had it been any different I might not have gotten you.." she said giving me a soft look. "I love you very much honey" I gave her a small smile.

"I love you too mom. I just need some time to mull this over" I pulled my hand from her grip and walked away before turning back one more time. "It's not your fault you don't know. It's his, you know that right?" She nodded at me though it felt like she maybe didn't agree. I went back to hug her one last time. "Stay safe" I whispered before leaving again.

Wishing I could stay with her longer.

Wishing I hadn't asked to know.

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