The End

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That's it!

That's the end 😭

Thank you to anyone who took the time to read my story! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I absolutely love writing and will be continuing on other stories after this so please check them out if you'd like!

I was writing a Hufflepuff/ Draco love story but honestly got tired of writing it, I may pick it up again soon, but I've read so many fan fictions that follow the exact outline of the books or movies and I'm just needing a break from that.

Here are short synopsis of my other books I'm working on currently that don't follow the books 🤪

Filthy Muggle: Draco Malfoy falls in love with a muggle after the passing of his wife Astoria Greengrass. He struggles internally with the idea of being so enthralled by the very thing he was raised to hate.

The Love Game: (takes place in 7th yr where Voldemort didn't rise to power a second time) Draco isn't one for relationships but for hookups, Desiree Ross prefers to focus on their studies. So what happens when an argument turns into a bet to see who can get someone to fall in love with them first.

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