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I went to the library after lunch. I was hoping to not have to deal with Draco until later. I pulled a book off the shelf but was quickly joined by someone.

"Hey Y/n" Blaise was standing above me as I sat in the library. "May I sit?" He pointed to the chair across from me, I waved my hand towards the chair to let him know he could. There was silence as I continued on my book. Blaise fidgeting with his hands across from me. "Don't let it get to you" he said out of no where.

"Let what get to me?" I asked on a confused tone but fully knowing what he was talking about.

"Draco and Pansy." He said softly. I rolled my eyes.

"He's a big boy he can do what he wants." Blaise scoffed at my comment.

"He's and idiot is what he is. He always does this. Whenever things got hard or he didn't want to deal with something he'd use Pansy as a distraction. I mean the girl lives to give him attention" he chuckled. "I've already talked to him about it though"

"Did you remind him he's engaged?" I said snarkily

"I did" he gave me a smile "he's a bit.. broken y/n. Sometimes he does stupid thing because he doesn't know how to deal with feelings. Don't be afraid to put him in his place." He laughed again.

"Oh I won't." I muttered under my breath.

Later that night I waited for Draco to come back to the room. I sat with just Daphne at dinner as I didn't want to talk to Draco until we were alone, plus he seemed busy...

I sat in the chair by the fireplace reading as the hours passed.





Where is this asshole.

He finally walked in at 1 am.

"You're awake?" He asked surprised as I read my book.

"Yeah" I kept reading. I was ready to jump down his throat and yell at him. Was I even in the right to sit here and yell at him? I mean I'm his fiancé but it's not like it's by choice. But I'm also his fiancé and I'm pretty sure he's been out with another girl all night.

He shuffled the room and got ready for bed before crawling in.

"You coming to bed?" I kept my eyes on my book.

"No" I said shortly.

"Are you mad at me?" I let out a laugh and rolled my eyes dramatically.

"You're funny Draco" I saw his body get out of the bed from the corner of my eye and walk over to me.

"Stop with the shit y/n" I let out a small laugh again.

"You have the audacity to be angry with me right now?" I finally tore my eyes off the book to look up at him.

"Yeah I do. You women always got to be passive aggressive-"

"Don't 'you women' me" I said standing up and slamming my book down in front of me.

"You're always so passive aggressive just tell me why you're mad!" He yelled finishing his sentence.

"You should know why I'm mad" he rolled his eyes. I was getting sick of his shit. "Fine you know what, I'll tell you why I'm mad!" I stepped closer to him and put my finger to his chest "because YOU MEN can't go long enough without getting your dick sucked that the moment things aren't going your way you find some bitch who will do whatever you tell them to" He looked at me with a confused but angry glare.

"Don't look at me like that okay. You saw me today when you were with Pansy and you just let her do whatever she wanted to you while I was right there. You expect me to just assume there's no coincidence we're having this conversation at one in the morning Draco." I hinted. His confused look turned to pure anger.

"You don't know me." He said through gritted teeth.

"What the hell do you think I'm doing here? Killing time?! I'm trying to get to know my future husband but he's too preoccupied with fulfilling his primal needs!" he just looked at me with anger, he didn't speak. We were inches from each other. I waited for him to say something as his hot breath blew onto my face from his rapid breathing. I was fed up with his silence.

"Whatever Draco" I started grabbing things to make a makeshift bed on the chair.

"Y/n stop" I ignored his plea as I made my way to the chair plopping my pillow and blanket down before settling in myself. His hands went to his face as he sat on the empty bed. "I'll stop it okay? Are you happy?" I looked at him through squinted eyes and then turned them to the fire. He's only doing it to make the argument stop.. he doesn't actually want to stop it.. "Will you just come to bed?" His voice was starting to soften. I was about to give in but I didn't want to in this moment. I needed to be clear that I wasn't going to take this shit.

"I'm more comfortable on the chair tonight" I muttered. I laid my legs across the ottoman and got comfortable. I heard him let out a long sigh and shuffle around the room once more.

I didn't sleep that night at all. I just let the fire burn and stared into it all night in thought.

How did I even get here again? This whole mess felt like a dream... well... nightmare at times. I sat up when I heard an owls beak make contact with the window. I turned to look out to see that not only was the sun barely coming up but the owl sitting there was the same familiar one from before. I groaned before I got up and opened the window to take the letter from him. Same chicken scratch on the front. I let out a long sigh before immediately throwing it in the trash.

I got dressed and decided to go to Daphne's room. I didn't want to be alone in my thoughts anymore. I knocked lightly on her door and was lucky enough for her to answer but heard a screech from behind her that made me want to claw my ears off.

"Who the hell is here this early!"

"Go back to bed!" Daphne yelled back. She stepped into the hall and motioned me towards the common room. We sat across from each other on the couch as I explained the night before to her in detail. She looked at me with a shocked expression on her face.

"I thought you guys were doing better.. what happened?" She asked softly.

"Better you ask him.. all I know is I got a letter from my Ex that I ignored and now he's off snogging other girls." I sighed angrily.

"Do you actually know if they were snogging..?" Daph asked hesitantly. I looked at her briefly before answering.

"Well no.. but why else would he be out until 1am?" Daphne shrugged as if she did agree something fishy was going on.

"You have every right to be mad you know. He is your fiancé. Kissing or not he shouldn't be allowing Pansy to hang all over him like that.." there was silence before she continued. "You can stay with me for a few nights if you want.." I shook my head.

"Thanks Daph but that will probably just make things worse between us. Plus you room with Pansy.. bad idea" she chuckled lightly and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Come on breakfast probably just started. Let's go eat" she smiled at me softly "let me just go get dressed" I nodded at her as she walked away.

I was once again grateful for having someone like Daphne here. I can't imagine going through this without her.

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