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It's been a month.

It's now few weeks from Christmas break, Draco and I still haven't gotten back to where we were. He was being stubborn, I don't think he knows what he did wrong. I was also being stubborn as I didn't want to forgive him without an actual apology.

That's why I've been sleeping on the chair since then.

There were times where it crossed my mind where I should just let him do whatever. It's not like he chose to be with me, so who am I to stop him from being with who he wants.

But then I remember that I left someone to be here and the least he can do is show you the same courtesy.. right?

I also had to keep throwing letters from Damian away, I had gotten at least one a week since the first. Maybe even more. I kept throwing them in the trash right after I took them off the owls talons.

On this cold Saturday morning I decided to go to the library with Daphne. We sat in the back and we were working on a potions essay due the following week.

"You know you'll have to forgive each other eventually..." Daphne spat out.

"Forgive each other? I didn't do anything wrong!" I almost yelled causing me to get glares from others in the space. "When he realizes what he's done and apologizes I'll forgive him" I gave her a sarcastic smile before going back to my book.

"Here's a tip with Malfoy, he's stubborn"

"So am I" I said not even looking up. "Can we not talk about him for two minutes please?" I whined and she gave me a small chuckle.

"Fine." There was a short silence before I broke it again. Trying to do anything other than this damn essay.

"Have your parents brought up the.. marriage thing again?" Daph shook her head.

"No thankfully not.." she looked nervous as she fidgeted with her quill.

"Well I suppose the plus side is that you're single so if.." when I looked at her she had an expression on her face that told me I was wrong. "I'm sorry unless you're not single?" I asked surprised. She shook her head minimally so I could barely see it. "Daph why hasn't this come up?!" I whisper yelled.

"Well we talk about you and Draco a lot.. which I don't mind. Plus no one really knows except... me and her."

"Not even Blaise and Draco know?" She shook her head again. "First of all I'm sorry all our conversations are about Draco, you can tell me to shut up and I will I promise" she giggled and rolled her eyes "secondly, do I know her?" I leaned in closer. I haven't gossiped about anything in ages, Daph was right I just rant about Draco half the time. It's nice to get out of routine.

"Probably not since you're new and all.." she said quietly.

"How long have you been dating?"

"Well since it been pretty secret we don't have an official start date or anything but about a year... that's why I get so nervous about this marriage.. I don't want to loose her" her voice turned sad and I put my hand on hers.

"Everything will work out how it's supposed to. I promise you" I gave her a sincere smile. I know how hard it can be in these situations. "You love her?" She blushed and nodded.

"Yeah.. I do" I gave her a sweet smile.

"Then you won't loose her" I said with confidence. "I'd like to meet her.." I gave her a cheeky smile and she shoved me lightly.

"Maybe someday" I sighed loudly and dramatically to let her know I didn't like her answer. She let out another small giggle.

I could tell she was about to ask me something before I heard the voice of my nightmares.

"Hey Avery, how are you and Draco.. still banished to the couch I presume?" Pansy spat in a smug tone giving me the biggest smirk I'd ever seen. She leaned one hand on our table as she looked me up and down.

How does she know I'm sleeping on the chair?

"Oh Draco tells me ... everything" she said slowly as if she read my mind. My hands started to grip harder onto my book as I didn't make eye contact with her. "What I'll never understand is why you were picked over me to be his wife.. we all know who he fansies more" she continued in her smug tone. I finally looked up at her.

"Because you're insufferable Pansy.. that's why. His parents probably couldn't stand your company long enough to even think about you as a daughter-in-law. Not even Draco likes you, he's leading you on" I said trusting what he told me earlier in the year when he said they were nothing and that he didn't like her. I could tell she was slightly offended by my words but that didn't stop her from continuing.

"Is that why he asked me to the astronomy tower tonight?" Her smirk grew wider which was a surprise to me as it was already bigger than her face. "If you don't believe me, stop by, I'm sure you'll enjoy the show" she winked at me before leaving. I went to stand up and chase after her but Daphne grabbed my arm.

"Don't bother. She's trying to get under your skin." I sat back down in my chair glaring towards the door.

"It's working" I muttered.

Do I care about Draco this much that my jealousy is running rampant? Or is it just because he has the title of my fiancé that I feel such a need to kick her ass?

"You know.. he cares about you right? I see how he looks at you." I rolled my eyes.

"We've know each other for 3 months and one of them we haven't even talked. How could he possible care about me" I muttered flipping the pages of my book.

"The same way you care about him enough to want to punch Pansy Parkinson in the face" I chuckled lightly.

"Who doesn't want to punch her in the face?" I rebutted. She rolled her eyes.

"You know what I mean" she giggled but the smile on her face fell soon after. "Please tell me you're not going to go." Her face scrunched up I looked at her briefly.

"No of course not. Why would I go? It's probably a trap or something anyways." I scoffed and she gave me a look of relief.

I truly believed my words until it was 11 at night and Draco still wasn't back to the room yet.

Could it be a trap? Where else would he be right now?

I paced the room for a moment to think before my eyes fell to my trash, the letters within were torn and crumpled.

He read them.

I should've just lit them on fire as soon as they came in...

I pulled my jacket off of a hook and left our room. I looked around the common room to see if I was overreacting. There were a couple students in there but no Draco.

I'm going.

This ends tonight.

The Marriage Deal (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now