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Draco's POV

When I followed her up to the room, I was trying to get her to talk to me but it was as if she was in a trance. She slammed the bedroom door and locked it before I could go in. I leaned my head against the door and let out a sigh.

All I could think about was what he could have possibly said to make her like this. Was she regretting not going with him? Did she still love him? Is the only reason she turned him down because of her mom?

I hoped there was another reason but I didn't think much of it as I put my back against the door and slid to the ground. I heard crying as I did, she must be sitting against the door as well.

I didn't want to push her in to talking, that might piss her off more and then she will never tell me.

So I sat there. I listened as her crying went from being erratic and uncontrollable to quiet and manageable. Something about this girl made me act irrationally. In any other scenario I could see myself just leaving. But something enticed me to stay. I wanted to be here when she was ready to talk.

After a while, the crying stopped. I heard a click from the door handle and fell back slightly when my support was swung away from me. I stood up to look down at her.

"I figured you'd be somewhere else" she said softly.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay.." she gave me a small smile.

"I was going to come find you.. we should talk" she said seriously. My heart dropped a little at those words. She was going to leave.

"Sure" I covered my nerves as best as I could as I walked past her into the room and sat on the bed. She sat next to me but with a fair amount of space in between us.

"Um..." she was looking in her lap where she was playing with her ring I'd giving her only hours ago.. with every twist on her finger I grew more anxious of her ripping it off. "I need to ask you something.." she said softly.

"Course. Anything" I continued to look at her but she refused to look back.

"I know you're a death eater... I know you were forced into it. I just need to make sure of something... Do you...do you think...? Do you believe that..." she had a hard time spitting it out. "Do you believe that muggle-borns are worthless? That they don't deserve the same... things as us?" She asked hesitantly. I was about to answer in the shortest way possible, my need to not be vulnerable acting out as usual, but then she looked at me. Whenever she looked at me I acted as if I was a different person. In a good way. Then the same feeling I always got around her was coming back, comfort. My nerves melted away.

"To be honest with you y/n, there was a point in my life where I did. My father ingrained those values into me so I never knew better. It didn't change until..." I looked at her "until I'd gotten involved as a death eater. watching innocent people being murdered.. being instructed to murder someone myself.." I choked on my words but cleared my throat in hope she wouldn't notice. "You realize quickly that people don't deserve to die like that" I looked away from her. Slightly ashamed of my past. People would always tell me I had a choice in the matter, and I did. My choice was my moms life, whether she be alive or dead. I made the right choice, but it wasn't the easy one.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to question you... I feel like we've gotten really close but Damian.." her words faltered when she said his name, and the same anger grew within me. It seemed as though she didn't want it finish the sentence she started.

"I don't know what he said to you, but don't let it mess with you. The guys probably heartbroken over you still, especially now, he was only saying that shit to get under your skin." I looked back at her and she nodded.

"You're probably right." She let out a small sigh "Thanks Draco." She looked at me and gave me a half hearted smile.

"You're not leaving with him right?" I said sarcastically to hide my fear of the answer.

"No, never" her smile grew on her face. I reached out to her and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. This felt like a bad time but I couldn't help but move closer to her. My eyes flicking to her lips as they were parted slightly. "Draco I probably look crazy right now, you don't have to-" her words faded as I put my hand on her cheek, allowing my finger to graze her lips.

"You look beautiful as ever" I whispered to her I could see her breathing become irregular. I hoped that was a good sign that she wouldn't pull away from me as I leaned in closer.

"Draco!" My mother's voice called up the stairs. I sighed and leaned my forehead against hers. I became angry as the moment was ruined. I heard a small giggle come from her, making my anger dissolve into a smile.

"Go" she said softly pulling away from me. I got up from the bed letting out another long sigh.

"This better be important" I muttered as I left the room, being denied of my desires for a second time today.

"Yes mum?" I descended the stairs and she didn't look happy.

"That boy that was here.. earlier... he was a muggle born." She looked at me with some fear. "He was captured... in London."

"Why should I care?" My blood was boiling as I had to talk about this prick for the millionth time today.

"By her father. They're downstairs now" her voice was shaking slightly. I couldn't tell what emotions I was feeling in this moment. "He wants you down there" she finished. I cleared my throat and nodded allowing any emotions clear my mind as I walked downstairs. I started to hear screaming until I entered a locked room. I saw both mine and her father over the cockroach that left earlier. He looked at me with knowing eyes as his hands were tied behind his back.

"I heard our little mudblood friend here was visiting your fiancé earlier" my father said with a smirk. "We thought you'd like to have some fun"

I looked back to him. He was preparing for the worst. There was a longing within me to kick his ass, my jealousy filling me. Thinking about the things he could have said or done behind closed doors earlier. But that's when I thought of her, she trusted me. She may or may not love the guy any more but if she heard I tortured her ex I can imagine the relationship we had built would crumble in an instant.

"No. Let him go" I said as my jaw clenched.

"Don't be soft Draco." My father sneered. Y/n's father didn't say a word. Just stood there silently.

"He doesn't deserve my time" was the last thing I said before leaving the room. I knew I wasn't going to hear the end of it later but I cared more about what y/n thought of me than dealing with my father in this moment.

I ruined a lot of things in my life, and the relationship I built with her was something I was not prepared to loose.

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