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"I have got to fix my coffee pot or buy another one!" swears Daniel under his breath as he moves forward in the Apollo's Coffee drive-thru line. His beloved simplistic coffee pot had been grievously mourned after passing over the proverbial java rainbow bridge.

Daniel arrives at the center thirty minutes later: "Suitcase, check. Laptop, check. Coffee, oh hell yeah," prattles Daniel.

"Hello Mr. Daniel," greets the security guard from the security desk.

"Likewise Mr. Steven. It will be much better when I get coffee in me," weakly smiles Daniel.

"You definitely are more bearable with caffeine flowing through your veins," chuckles Steven.

"Cheer up blondie!" thunders Tanyala through the halls as she captures sight of Daniel scuffling into the office.

"Don't start with me. I've had a long night and just on my first cup of coffee. And by the way, you mighty fine this morning, Tanyala," schmoozes Daniel.

"I'll have you know, I had one FIIIINE date last night too! Pity it ended way too soon. Had to take him to the ER afterwards. He loved my hips, but he couldn't handle 'em! WHOOO!" Tanyala screams while slapping her jiggly hip.

"Oh Gawd, do I wanna hear the sordid details Tanyala? My poor virgin ears couldn't handle such info. Just please tell me that you didn't put him in traction? NO, never mind. I don't wanna know," admonishes Daniel.

"It would do you some good to see some action yourself, Danny boi! We need to get you a date! Do you want male or female?" fishes Tanyala.

"Stop it, Tanyala! I don't need a frickin' date. I'll find my own when I putting up with somebody," Daniel loathes.

"Now see! That IS the problem right thar! You haz to be in control! I tell my date where I wanna go, what I want to do afterwards, including if he is allowed in my bedroom! HASSAGLORY!!" she exclaims while snapping fingers in the air.

"Cha-right. And your date is where right now? Having a hip replacement?" Daniel retorts sarcastically while slurping his coffee noisily.

"I can't hep it if he couldn't handle this much of a WOO-MAAAN! WOAA!" Tanyala once again snaps fingers in the air above her head.

As Daniel begins to further object, another of his posse interjects, "Tanyala is right. When was the last time you went out with someone? And before you start, we, your mother or cousins don't count."

"I'm going to drink my coffee in the solitude of my office. If anyone has anything to share with me about Mr. Nickles and his mother, buzz me?" Daniel utters while engrossed in the client folder.

Ahh, the safety and solitude of my office, away from the peering eyes and ears of my partners in crime. What if I told them I was gay? Would they accept me? Do they already suspect since I have never brought a girl around them? They'd have me dating every fem bottom-boi JUST because they are gay and therefore PURRFECT for me. Nope, not doing it! My last LTR turned out to be a nightmare from HELL, while trying to care for my dying father. Don't need that in my life. Now onto the Nickles. Jon was thrown out of two high schools for sexually inappropriate behavior. Glaring at boys in the shower room, touching their genitalia and emulating intercourse. Incidents of fights. Forced to graduate from the adult high school inabsentia.

Abusive father became terminally ill. Wife and son, caregivers. Unresolved issues of suspected neglect prior to death. Mrs. Nickles, high school dropout. Emotionally detached and scarred from years of physical abuse by her spouse and now domineered by her son; all six-foot-five, two-hundred and fifty pounds of him. Codependent mother and son.

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