Chapter 1

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2 days ago Tzuyu is playing some games on Mina's PC Tzuyu suddenly get bored so she decided to turn off the PC and went to the bed ...

Mina is currently downstairs and she's preparing for their lunch...

Mina's phone was in bed and Tzuyu notice it. She gets it and checks the latter's phone...

She wanted to check if Mina is texting with Jimin so she opened their conversation but it's all about work.

Tzuyu continuously scanning Mina's phone until she reached the recorder.. there's a three recording in Mina's phone she opened the 2 files and it was about Mina's seminar.

And the last one when she pressed the play button, and suddenly her heart beats so fast as her head is starting to spin while hearing the recorder...


"He's been calling me Sana. He wanted to go back here. He wanted to go home already. He missed you Sana...."

"Oppa, you know he can't go back here if Dad finds out that he's here, he will hurt him and I don't want that to happen."

"But Vernon is in pain Sana, He wanted to be with you. He wanted to fight your relationship and the fact that he already knows that someone already gets your attention, he cried on me when we are talking on the phone, he is crying Sana..."

"I'm just protecting him Oppa, that's what I promise to his mom."

"Sana, look at me in the eyes... Do you still love Vernon???.."

"I do love him. There's no day and night that I'm not thinking of him..."

"Then what about Tzuyu??? Are you serious about her ..."

"Tzuyu is just like the women I dated before, when I'm with Tzuyu I ease my loneliness for Vernon.."

"What??? So you're telling me...."

"Yes, I'm just using her to ease the pain in my heart..." Sana quickly answer...

"Does that mean...."

"I don't love her..."

"I don't love her..."

"I don't love her..."

"I don't love her..."

"I don't love her..."

"I don't love her..."

"I don't love her..."

"I'm just using her..."

"I'm just using her..."

"I'm just using her..."

"I'm just using her..."

"I'm just using her..."

"I'm just using her..."

Tzuyu whimper and pain those words are keep playing on her mind...

SHE'S MINE - SATZU #2Where stories live. Discover now