Final Chapter

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"Close your eyes..." Tzuyu said and Sana did what she said...

Tzuyu lean closer and, Sana's heart beat went to fast the moment she feel the latters warm breath fanning on her lips, Until seconds later Tzuyu pressed her lips to hers.

With the part of her mouth, Tzuyu plunged her tongue inside Sana's mouth and their tongues dances together.

"Mmmmm..." Sana escape a little moan, as she was drowning  to the pleasure  that Tzuyu gives to her mouth..

"Sana..." Tzuyu ...

"Mmmmm???.." They are both catching their breath when their lips parted.

"C-Can we make love???..." Tzuyu shyly asked, as her face suddenly  blush ....

Sana smile, she wrapped her hand to Tzuyu's nape and kiss her .... Tzuyu fight back the kiss, her hand touch Sana's face and roams down to the latters waist and pulled Sana closer to her.

She laid Sana down on the bed and covered the latters body with hers. Tzuyu  used one arm to prop herself up and the other she used to brush her fingers against the latter's face unhurried and softly.

"I really  miss doing this to you ...." She whisper.

"Me too ❤ I miss the way you touch me. I miss your body pressing  on mine..." Sana said as she was intently staring at Tzuyu...

Tzuyu smile as she once again kiss Sana on her lips, while her other hand is now busy removing the latters clothes...

Seconds later her hands stopped at Sana's bra and she unclasped it, still continue  kissing the latter until her hand reached Sana's shorts and removed it....

When she already  done removing  the latters clothes, she break the kiss and stare at Sana's naked body...

"You're beautiful  ❤ ."  Tzuyu said, and Sana just smile...

"I want you Tzuyu' ah ❤.." Sana answer...

Tzuyu smirked, as she get something  on the side table... 

"W-What's that?????..." Sana asked even though she already  know what's on Tzuyu's hand..

"Sweets, I told you I like sweets..." Tzuyu said as she tear up the cover of the sweets... "Here..." Tzuyu point it to Sana's mouth and Sana put it to her mouth....

"Just stayed  still love..." Tzuyu smile as she kiss her forehead ... She get something  under the pillow and Sana 's eyes went wide when she saw a handcuffs ...

"Ya, are you being a sadist right now???.."

"Mmmm this will be more fun..." Tzuyu sexily whisper to her ears, and Sana didn't realize that Tzuyu already  handcuffs  her hands through the headboard...

"Oh, s*ht..." She mumbled...

"It's too early for you to curse Love ❤...."

"Daebak, is this the surprise you're talking about????..."

"No, of course not...."

"Daebak, Chou Tzuyu. Fine, Do what you want now..." Sana said...

"I love you Sana ❤ .."

"I love you too pervert...." Sana answer...

Tzuyu smile and Sana suddenly have the Goosebumps when Tzuyu leaned forward and brushed her lips tenderly against the space where her neck. Tzuyu's  tongue flicked out and ran a line up on the latters neck making Sana  arch her back slightly.

SHE'S MINE - SATZU #2Where stories live. Discover now