Chapter 27

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"Love, are you really mad???." Tzuyu asked, she was getting Sana's attention since earlier they already arrived at their house and Sana is still ignoring her.

Sana get mad when a girl walks closer to them earlier when they are doing their groceries in E-Mart...

•••• FLASH BACK ••••

"Tzuyu ~ah, this looks delicious. Can we get some??." Sana asked as she point the box of cookies.

"Yeah of course, just put it in the cart love..."

"Okay 🙂 ..."

They went to the meat section and while Sana is busy choosing meats someone suddenly walks closer to Tzuyu as she cling her arms.

"Hi, Baby ..." The girl flirty winked to Tzuyu and Sana's ears suddenly perked when she hear those flirty voice calling her wife's name. 

Sana slowly turn around and her eyebrows furrowed when she saw a girl clinging like a monkey on her wife.. 

"Who are you?.." Tzuyu asked as she removed the girl's hand on her arms.

"Don't you remember me??..." The girl ask as she cling her arms again to Tzuyu. "Baby, How could you forget me already??? I gave you the sexiest lap dance the other week..."

Sana is now getting irritated because of what she hears.. Tzuyu notice her so, she quickly removed the girl's hand to her arms once again.

"Sorry, I don't remember you..." Tzuyu said, as she walks closer to Sana.. "I have my wife her.."

"Ohhhh..." The girl looks Sana from head to toe.. "For sure, she didn't satisfy your needs, that's why you came in the bar that night..."

"What???.." Sana this time didn't control herself..

"Love .."

"Would you please leave my wife alone, For your information, My wife will never flirt with a low class of people like you...."


"What???!..." The girl was about to grab Sana but Tzuyu quickly blocked her...

"Try to hurt her, you will never leave this place alive."

Seconds later, Tzuyu called some securities  and they immediately  take some actions. 


"Love ...." Tzuyu keep whining since earlier...

"Would you please don't disturbed me? I'm cooking..." Sana coldly said..

"Would you please let me explain first???."

"You already explain before, and you didn't include that you and Dahyun hanging out with those bar girls.." Sana said..

"Because I know you will get mad.." Tzuyu pout...

"And what did she say again? She gave you a lap dance?? Daebak... You for sure enjoy it, that's why you came home late.."

"I'm not... "

"Did she really gave you a lap dance???.." Sana asked as she point to Tzuyu the spatula...

"Y-Yeah..." Tzuyu said...

"Do you like it or not???."

SHE'S MINE - SATZU #2Where stories live. Discover now