Chapter 5

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Morning, Momo, and Mina are in the kitchen as they are having their morning coffee...



"Are you okay???.." Momo asked.

"Yeah, I'am it just that. I'm worried for Sans ~ Chan.."

"Speaking for her, I still haven't received any message from her..."

"Unnie, Tzuyu is hurt and mad I can really feel that. I'm afraid that she might do something to Sana Chan..."

"Maybe not. Tzuyu is an understandable person, if Sana will explain everything maybe Tzuyu can forgive her..."

"I hope they will going to be okay.." Mina said.

"How about you? How are you?.."

"I'm a little bit, sad and happy... I'm sad because I can no longer be with Tzuyu again, but at the same time I'm happy because Sana Chan is back for Tzuyu..."

"How about your heart???.."

Mina smile... "I won't lie to you Unnie, my heart is in pain right now but, I choose this I know this time will come and I prepared myself for this..."

"You're such a brave person Mina ~ ya..." Momo stands up and hugs her... "I hope your heart will be healed soon, and I hope you can also find the perfect person for you..." Momo said...

"Komawo Momo ~ Unnie..."


Meanwhile, Sana woke up early as she wanted to prepare some breakfast for Tzuyu...

Minutes later Tzuyu went downstairs and Sana quickly saw her...

"Tzuyu~ah... I prepare some breakfast for you..." Sana said...

Tzuyu looks at the foods at the table and then she smiles bitterly..

"You already know how to cook? ~ or You really know how to cook since then???.." Tzuyu asked.

"I'm sorry..." Sana lowered her head.

"You know what, I can't look at you..."

Sana lifts her head, and Tzuyu walks closer to her as her heartbeat suddenly beats so fast ...

"Because I can't bare to see your face, it disgust me.." Tzuyu straightforwardly said to the latter.

"Tzuyu~ah.." Sana didn't control her emotions as he burst into tears...

Tzuyu smile. "Is that real???.." She asked. "You're not acting, Are you???.." Tzuyu smirked.

"I know you're mad at me, I know you hate me so much but Please give me chance to prove to you how much I love you."

"Love??? do you hear what you are saying ???  you love Me?  Sana you just used me!  you don't love me you just used me so you don't feel your longing for Vernon and then you will say now that you love me??? Are fooling me again???.."

"I admit that I just used you before but everything has changed when you show up in our family gathering as my fiance, I'm slowly falling you that time until I learn to love and appreciate you... Tzuyu~ah please believe me..."

"I trust you, I trust you with all my heart. I give everything to you, I give all my love to you but you all just wasted it. Don't expect me to believe you because I will never fall for you again."

Tzuyu walks closer to Sana as lean her mouth to Sana's ears.

"You don't deserve my heart." Tzuyu whisper to Sana's ears. "Just eat the food you prepare I won't gonna eat that.." Tzuyu said as she walks away...

Sana wipes her tears, she held her chest as she can't take all that Tzuyu said.

"You deserve this Sana.." Sana keeps mumbling to her head. "I deserve this..."

It's been 2 weeks already since Sana start living in their house but Tzuyu is still cold and mad at her there's no progress in all that she did, Tzuyu is just absolutely treating her like an invisible when they are in the house...

Weekend, Nayeon treats her all her friends and they are currently in Jeongyeon Unnie's coffee shop... They are already there except for Tzuyu.

"Is Tzuyu will come???." Momo asked Sana...

"She didn't sleep again in the house last night .." Sana sadly said...

"She's not coming home??.." Mina asked.

Sana forces a smile. "Seems like she doesn't want to see me..." Sana said.

"Do you want me to talk to her Unnie??.."

"It's alright... I understand what she's feeling right now..." Sana said...

While they are talking, the door suddenly opened and they saw Tzuyu...

"Tzu.." Dahyun said.

"Tzuyu~ah..." Chaeyoung raises her hand.

Tzuyu smile and walks closer to them...

"We thought you will not come..." Nayeon said.

"I just received Momo Unnie's message.." Tzuyu said as she seated beside Mina..."

"Hi 🙂.." Tzuyu sweetly smiles at her.


Sana saw how Tzuyu sweetly smiles at Mina and she admit that she missed Tzuyu smiling, she never saw Tzuyu smiling since she starts moving into their house...

"It's okay..." Momo held Sana's hand...


After having their brunch, Mina talks to Tzuyu, while their other friends are at the other table chatting including Sana...

"You're always not coming home..." Mina said.

"Did she tell you???.."


"I can't live with her. I can't bare to see her."


"You're just giving Sana Chan a hard time, did you already hear her side???.."

"Mina, please understand me too I can't bare to see her.."

"Do you still love her???.."

Tzuyu this time looks Mina directly through her eyes.

"Anger and hatred are what I feel right now."  Tzuyu seriously said.


"She wasted everything, She already broke my trust ... I can't feel anything now and it's because of her..."

Mina just deep a sigh, as she also can't blame Tzuyu for acting like that ...

"I can accept the reason why she suddenly went for almost 2 years, but don't expect me to accept her reason to the fact that she only used me to ease the pain in her heart before.."

Tzuyu stands up...

"Where are you going???.." Mina asked.

"I'm leaving now..." Tzuyu said as she didn't wait for Mina's response and walks away...

"Why did she leave already?..." Jihyo asked.

"She's not the Tzuyu I know.." Mina mumbled...

"Just give her some time, she needs to unwind her mind..." Jeongyeon said...

"This is all my fault..." Sana said. "I made her like that..." Sana said...

"Everything's will be fine Sana Chan what matters is you already explain to her everything. Just understand her right now..." Mina said...

Meanwhile, Sana thought that if she would not come back, she knew Tzuyu was hurt and she doesn't want to see Tzuyu in pain because of her.  She didn't know if it was right for her to come home and enter Tzuyu's life again...

"I messed up again..." Sana mumbled to her mind...


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