Chapter 11

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6:30 PM Tzuyu is currently cooking when suddenly she thinks about Sana.

"Is she already home?." She asked herself.

After cooking she went upstairs to check the latter but when she open the guest room she didn't see Sana.

"Where is she? It's 6:30 PM already..." Tzuyu said...

Tzuyu already finishes having her dinner, and Sana isn't still at home.

Tzuyu decided to watch some movies in the living room.

"I'm supposed to be mad at her, but what am I doing right now? 😑.." Tzuyu mumbled.

2 hours have passed and Sana is still not home...

"Where the hell is she?😑😑.." Tzuyu this time gets irritated .. She was about to contact Sana but she suddenly remembers that she doesn't have Sana's number.

"Aishhhh.. "

Minutes later, Tzuyu received a sudden call from Dahyun ...


Is Calling You...


Dahyun: Tzu???

Tzuyu: What? 😑😑

Dahyun: Daebak. Are you mad??

Tzuyu: I'm not in a good mood right now.

Dahyun: Why???

Tzuyu: Sana is still not home...

Dahyun: Are you worried?? ^^

Dahyun teasingly said...

Tzuyu: I'm not!

Dahyun: Daebak, can you please tone down your voice?...

Tzuyu: I told you, I'm not in a good mood today. Why did you call???

Dahyun: I thought you are here at the bar...

Tzuyu: What???

Dahyun: Well, some of your employees are here.

Tzuyu: So what???

Tzuyu: I don't care about them...

Dahyun: Really???

Tzuyu: Did you call me just for this?

Dahyun: Yeah, because they are with Sana Unnie tho...

Tzuyu was suddenly surprised by what Dahyun said.

Tzuyu: What???

Dahyun: They are currently having a party right now...

Tzuyu: Party??

Dahyun: And there's a one girl flirting with her right now ...

Tzuyu's eyebrows suddenly furrowed.

Dahyun: She seems like your wife Tzu.

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