Chapter 30

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Morning tzuyu decided not to go to work since She can't left Sana alone in the house. She woke up early to prepare their breakfast...

Tzuyu prepare a simple breakfast for her wife, she put all the food in the garden as they will gonna have their breakfast there.

Minutes later Tzuyu after preparing everything Tzuyu decided now to check Sana upstairs...

When she get inside their room, exactly Sana is already awake.


"Hi, Love ❤..." Tzuyu smile as she walks closer to Sana. "Good Morning 😘.." Tzuyu sweetly said as she kissed Sana's forehead.

"Wait, you didn't go to work?.." Sana asked as she check the wall clock..

"No, Chaeryeong just gonna email some documents later and I decided to work here. I can't leave you alone here ..."

"Ohhh... I'm really disturbing you a lot.." Sana sadly said and them she pout..

"Eh? Love don't think like that. You're not disturbing me okay? and like what I said, your most important than my work..."

Sana hugs Tzuyu as her heat get overwhelmed because of what her wife said.

"I love you Tzuyu ~ah ❤..."

"I love you more, Sana 🙂❤.." Tzuyu answer as she gently caressing Sana's back...


After washing her face and brushing her teeth, Tzuyu carried Sana and she walks the latter to the garden area ...

"Whoahhhh 😍😍.."

"I decided to have our breakfast here so that we can smell fresh air 😊... You like it???."

"Of course 😊 Thank you for preparing all of this.."

"Your welcome Love 😉❤.. Let's have our breakfast now..." Tzuyu said ...

Meanwhile, Chaeyoung pick up Mina once again in her Unit..

"You're a little bit late 😊.." Mina said.

"You're really expecting already that I will pick you up???." Chaeyoung asked.



"I don't know, I just feel it and my instincts are right 😊 you're here ..."

"Did you have your breakfast already??." Chaeyoung asked.

"Actually No, I didn't be able to prepare my breakfast earlier..."

"Really?? Uhm actually..." Chaeyoung open her car and she show the paper bag to Mina.

"I actually brought you some breakfast. I personally prepare it for you 😊.."


"Yeah, you can just eat while I'm driving..."


While Chaeyoung is driving Mina is having her breakfast..

"You're such a good cook Chaeyoung ~ah.."

You like it???..."

"Yeah, it's delicious 😊.."

"Glad to hear that ..."

"Your exes are so lucky because they be able to taste your food 😊.."

"Really? But I think My girlfriend will be luckier right?? Because I will cook for her everyday..."

Mina suddenly looks at Chaeyoung.. 

"You have a girlfriend???."

"Right now? I don't have, but I like someone already..."


"Mmmmm, but I'm confessing my feelings for her. I don't know if she will accept me, I also afraid that she will just going to reject me, I'm not yet ready for that..."

"Why do you think that she will gonna reject you??? You're such an amazing person tho ..."

"I don't know, I just can feel it ..."

"Well, if I were you I will confess my feelings for her already. What if she's also waiting for you????.." Mina asked and this time, Chaeyoung looks at her ...


Meanwhile, Sana and Tzuyu starts arguing since Tzuyu keep insisting to accompany Sana in the bathroom since the latter will gonna take a shower...

"What if you will slipped again and you will hit your head..." Tzuyu worriedly said.


"C'mon I'll just gonna accompany you. I promise. I will behave..." Tzuyu said as she quickly raised her left hand. "Ohhh, Sorry 😄.."Tzuyu smile as she realized she raised the wrong hand...

"Pervert 😤..."


"Just stay here, and continue your work already...."



"Fine, then don't..." Tzuyu pout  as she went back to her computer ...


After Sans taking a bath, She notice that Tzuyu isn't talking to her ...


"Mmmm?." Tzuyu coldly said.. 

"Daebak, are you mad??."

"Mad? Of course not. Why would I be mad?..." Tzuyu said without looking to her wife.

"Really ???.."


"Can we cuddle???." Sana cutely asked.

"And now you want to cuddle." Tzuyu mumbled to her mind.

"I'm still working..." She answer.



"Okay 😔😔.." Sana said as she just lean her back to the headboard and just watch some movies..


30 minutes later, Tzuyu notice that Sana isn't bothering her anymore and the latter is already quite so she slowly turned around to check her and she saw her wife fall asleep already...

Tzuyu can't help but the moment she saw her wife suddenly melt her heart.. She turned off her computer and walks closer to Sana...

Tzuyu slowly lean Sana's head to her shoulder...

"You're such a sleepy head 😊❤.." Tzuyu mumbled...

Meanwhile, Sana suddenly woke up because of Tzuyu's presence.. She slowly open her eyes and she quickly saw Tzuyu...

"Are you mad???." Sana asked.

"Of course not 😊.." Tzuyu messed her hair...



"Can we cuddle now????.."

"Arasso 😊.."

Tzuyu and Sana both lay down in the bed. Tzuyu spooning Sana and a hug and the latter was just giggling ....

"Are you sleepy????." Tzuyu asked.

"Uhmm, yeah a little bit.. "

"Arasso, Just sleep. I'll watch you 😊❤.." Tzuyu said as she kissed Sana's crown...

Sana just smile as hugs Tzuyu's waist more...

"I love you ❤.." She said while her eyes are close...

"I love you Sana 😘..." Tzuyu sweetly answer, and seconds later Sana finally fall asleep in Tzuyu's arms ...


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