Chapter 19

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weekend, Tzuyu wake up when she didn't feel Sana's presence on her side. She rubs her eyes and looks around..

"Where is she??.." She mumbled.

She stands up and does her morning routines and after that, she decided to go downstairs and she saw Sana in the kitchen, preparing for their breakfast...

Tzuyu smile as she walks closer to her. Sana gets tickle when someone kisses her nape...

"Tzu..." She turned around to face the latter and Tzuyu quickly pinned her in the counter.

"Good Morning love ❣.." She sweetly to Sana and she kisses her on the lips.

"Good Morning ❤.." Sana smile as she wrapped her arms to Tzuyu's nape.

"You woke up so early, when I open my eyes, you're not on my side anymore .." Tzuyu pout. 

"I just want to prepare our breakfast..." Sana cutely pinches Tzuyu's nose. "And I received a message from Momo, she will be going here with Nayeon Unnie..." She added.

"Ah, arasso." Tzuyu smile...

"Do you have a plan today?." Sana asks.

"Mmmm. I have.."

"Really, what is your plan then?..."

"I want to cuddle with you for the whole day. I want to spend my weekend with you.." Tzuyu said...

"You're making my heart flutter right now."

"I know 😁❤. How about you? What's your plan today?.."


"What's your plan🙂.."

"Same as your plan. I want to spend my weekend with you ❤.."

"I love to hear that..." Tzuyu smile as she kisses Sana's lips once again.


After they had their breakfast, they went to the living room to watch some movies,  until Sana remember something ...



"Uhmm... C-Can I ask???.."

"Of course, what is it??."

Sana suddenly thinks, she became hesitant to asked the question...



"What is it?? you will ask something right???."

"Uhm... Nothing never mind." Sana smile as she lay down her head to Tzuyu's chest...

"Seriously, what is it???.. I will answer your question honestly..."

"Nevermind.." Sana said...


"I don't think I have the right to ask you that, since I put a lot of pain to your heart..." Sana mumbled...

Meanwhile, Tzuyu is getting curious she's in a deep thought when suddenly they hear a knock coming from the door.

"Ohhh, Momo and Nayeon Unnie must be here already.." Sana said, as she quickly stands up and opened the door.

"Sana ~ ya..." Momo hugs the latter...

"Ya, is it true??? You guys are okay now???.." Nayeon asked.

"Yes, Unnie," Tzuyu answers as she smiles at Nayeon...

SHE'S MINE - SATZU #2Where stories live. Discover now