Chapter 26

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Morning after preparing Mina leave her unit and the moment she came out she immediately saw Chaeyoung...

"Oh, Chaeyoung~ah..."


"What are you doing here???."

"Uhmmm..." Chaeyoung cutely rubs her nape. "To pick you up??..."


"You're not waiting for someone right??."

"You mean Jimin??."

Chaeyoung pout. "Why? Is he going to pick you??.." She sadly asked.


"Aw... If that's the case then.. I should leave now then..." Chaeyoung said and she was about to walks away when suddenly..

"Chaengie...wait..." Mina runs to her.. "Let's just go to Dance Academy together 🙂..." She smile.

"H-How about Jimin?."

"I can just message him. I will told him that I will ride in your car..."


"Mmmmm 😊.."

Chaeyoung suddenly blush... "O-Okay 🙂.. Let's go..." Chaeyoung said as she held Mina's hand...

Mina was surprised on Chaeyoung's sudden acts. She looks at their hands and just smile, she also don't know why she doesn't protest ...


While driving Mina received a call from Jimin. She talked to the latter and after that she ended the call...

"Is he looking to you?." Chaeyoung asked.


"Are you sure, he's not courting you? He seems like your boyfriend." Chaeyoung said.

"He's just a friend..."

"What if he confess to you? Will you give him a chance???."

Mina looks at Chaeyoung ... "To be honest, Tzuyu doesn't like Jimin for me ..."


"Yeah... Beside I don't feel any romantic feeling for Jimin."

"That's good to hear 🙂..."

"Eh???... By the way, is Tzuyu send you to pick me up?."

"No, I came because I wanted to pick you up."


"I just want to 😄..."

Mina smile. "Arasso, Thank you for giving me a ride by the way.." Mina said.

"You're always welcome Mina ^^ ..."


Miyeon is already came in the office and she brought some gifts for her teams specially with Sana...

"Sana... "


"I bought you some hats for you... I hope you like it.."

"Thank you 🙂 I appreciate it..."

"Your welcome 🙂🙂..."

"Manager~nim why you bought Sana Unnie a hat, but you just only give us box of macaroons.." Ryujin asked.

"Because she's our boss, don't worry I will treat you guys lunch later..." Miyeon said and they all cheer hearing it...

Without Sana knowing, Tzuyu is watching her and she's now getting annoyed...

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