Chapter 8

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"Sana ~ya what happened to your lips????.." Momo worriedly asked...

Mina, Momo and Nayeon decided to visit Sana and Tzuyu they came 30 minutes after what Tzuyu did to Sana...

Mina stand up and she check Sana's wrist...

"What happened on this Sana Chan?.." Mina asked..

"Nothing... I just fell off earlier and I hit my wrist.." Sana said..

"And you hit your lips also?? Sana you just cried. Your eyes are swollen.." Nayeon said.

"Did Tzuyu do this???." Mina asked.

"No.." Sana said..


Mina looks at Sana and this time Sana can't hold on anymore as she burst into tears...

"Sana ~ya.." Momo quickly hugs Sana...

"This is all my fault... Tzuyu is right if I need to be part of her life again I need to feel the pain ..." Sana said...

"Sana ~ ya..." Nayeon worried seeing Sana in pain ...

"This is too much.." Mina mumbled.

"Tzuyu is still mad, You shouldn't be staying here. Lets give her some space..." Nayeon said...

"Nayeon Unnie is right. What if she hurt you again???.." Momo worriedly asked.

"It's alright. I deserve this after all. She's mad because I just used her, She's mad because I fooled her. Tzuyu has the right to be mad at me and to hurt me... I will deserve this pain and I will bare it until she forgive me.." Sana said, as she sobs and wipe her tears..


"What???? what did you do?.." Chaeyoung surprisingly asked to Tzuyu...

After what she did to Sana Tzuyu went to Chaeyoung's unit..

"I didn't mean it. I was just drowning in anger earlier. I didn't control myself..." Tzuyu said..

"Tzu..what's wrong with you?? I know Sana hurt you  and you don't deserve the pain you feel right now but, Sana Unnie is pain too. Guaranteed that she just use you but why is she here now?? Why she's coming to you again??? She know that you will going to hurt her but she takes the risk, to be with you again because she loves you and she wanted to prove that. It's okay if you get angry with her, there's nothing wrong about that, but on what you did earlier I don't think it's right Tzuyu."

Tzuyu didn't answer as she just lowered her head..

"You know what, if you don't love Sana Chan already then divorce her. Before you guys hurt both each other.."


Tzuyu didn't go home as she stayed at Chaeyoung's unit for whole day until she decided to go home..

When she get inside the house she saw Sana at dining area having her dinner, they made an eye contact but the latter quickly averted her gaze...

Tzuyu just deep a sigh and walks upstairs when she get inside the room she quickly laid down in the bed, and what she did earlier keeps flashing on her mind...

She's currently in a deep thought when suddenly she hear her phone rang, she check the caller's name and it was Mina..


Is Calling You....


Mina: Tzuyu~ah?...

SHE'S MINE - SATZU #2Where stories live. Discover now