Chapter 25

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After her business meeting in Taiwan, Tzuyu immediately flew back to Korea as she already misses her wife.

Meanwhile, Sana didn't know the exact date when Tzuyu will arrived she doesn't know that the latter is now in their house...

5:30 PM Sana didn't go home yet because she meet Jeongyeon and Jihyo at the cafe...

"How's your photoshoot the other day?." Jeongyeon asked.

"It went well. Jihyo accompany me.." Sana said as she looks at Jihyo..

"Your wife, asked me a favor and while the pictorial has been started she keep messaging me ..."

"Daebak, Tzuyu is kinda possessive.." Jeongyeon said. "But she's romantically sweet..." She added...

"I know.." Sana smile. "I know sometimes she's being too much for being protective but I kinda like it." Sana giggle.

"You're really in love with her." Jihyo said.

"Yes, and Being in love with her is the best thing ever happen to me."

"We are really happy to you Sana ~ ya..."

"I will never break her trust again. I will never hurt Tzuyu again ..." She said.

"We are happy to hear that. Don't worry because no matter what happen, we are always here for the both of you..."

"Komawo, Jeongyeon ~Unnie 😊..."


7:30 in the evening when Sana arrived in their house. She went home late since she have her dinner together with Jeongyeon and Jihyo ...

When she get inside the house she quickly saw Tzuyu at the kitchen preparing some food. She was surprised to see her wife as she didn't expect that she's already in Korea... 


Tzuyu turned around and she saw Sana. She smile as she opened her arms ..

"Hi, Love 😊.."

"Tzuyu~ah..." Sana runs to her and hugs her tightly...

"How are you???..."

"I'm happy. You're here." Sana said ...

"Did you miss me???."

"Of course..." Sana cutely face the latter.

"I miss you too 😘..."

"Did you have your dinner already??? I prepare foods for us..."

"I have my dinner with Jihyo and Jeongyeon Unnie .." Sana pout..

"Aw.." Tzuyu sadly said..

"But I will eat again 😊.." Sana cupped her face.. "Don't be sad now ..." She added.

"Arasso ❤.."

Tzuyu and Sana have their dinner already and after that they quickly went to their room.

Tzuyu start unpacking her things while Sana is taking a bath ...

Minutes later, Sana came out from the bathroom.

"You're done??."

"Mmmm 🙂.."

"By the way, I have a gift for you." Tzuyu said.

"Really??? What is it???.." Sana excitedly asked.

Tzuyu get the box from her luggage.

"Here. I bought you perfumes.." Tzuyu said...

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