Chapter 23

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The girl was about to kiss Tzuyu on her lips but luckily Tzuyu immediately blocked her.


"You can't kiss me. I'm married already.." Tzuyu said.

"Baby, let's just make each other happy tonight..." The girl sexily whisper to her ears...

Tzuyu suddenly froze when the girl starts un-buttoning her clothes.. 

"You've been staring at this since earlier..." The girl said as she removed her clothes and showing her healthy cleavage to Tzuyu...

Tzuyu suddenly gulp, as she starting to feel hot so she tried to avoid her gaze ...

"You look so tense..." The girl giggle.

"Sorry, I can't cheat with my wife..." Tzuyu said as she quickly stand up... "Dahyun, Unnie let's go home now ..." Tzuyu said as she get Dahyun from the girl who's flirting her.


9:00 in the evening when Tzuyu finally arrived at their house, when she get inside she saw her wife in the living room peacefully sleeping in the couch .....

Tzuyu walks closer to the latter, she gently caressed Sana's face and she slowly wake her up...


Sana suddenly wake up the moment she hear someone calling her name, so she slowly opened her eyes and she was surprised to see Tzuyu ..

"Tzuyu~ah..." Sana quickly seated properly...

"Sorry, did I make you wait too long??.."

"Mmmm... Where did you go? You're not even responding to my message. I'm worried since earlier..."

"Sorry..." Tzuyu gently touch Sana's cheeks.. "I just accompany Dahyun Unnie... Did you have your dinner already???."

"No not yet..." Sana pout..

"Arasso, let's have our dinner now okay?.."


Tzuyu held Sana's hand and they both went to the dining area to have their dinner.

"Is Dahyunie have a problem?." Sana asked..

"Uhmmm, yeah.. It's about Momo Unnie."

"She still have feelings for her??."

"You know about her feelings?." Tzuyu surprisingly asked.

"Yeah, she mentioned it to me when we are still studying in Hanlim..."

"Ah, she look like a mess earlier. She's broken hearted..."

"I don't know if she already confess her true feelings to Momo, but -  .."

Tzuyu didn't be able to finish what Sana was trying to say as she quickly cut her off.

"She already confessed."

Sana's eyes went wide, "Really???."

"Yeah, and Momo rejects her.. Well, Momo Unnie is in a relationship and maybe Dahyun just assume too much that Momo Unnie has a feelings for her too, but you know too much expectations can hurt you." Tzuyu said.

"You're right. I hope she will be okay soon. But, where did you guys go earlier???." Sana asked, and this time Tzuyu's eyes went wide as she didn't know what to answer???.."



"Are you okay?? Why are you sweating?.."

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