Chapter 6

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Evening, Tzuyu was lying on the bed and she suddenly feels hungry so she stands up and was about to open the door when suddenly she saw a tray in the door, she also saw a sticky note on the plate. She gets it and reads.


I know you don't want me to eat with you so I just cooked for you. I hope you will eat it this time. Good night...

- Sana

"Sana..." Tzuyu mumbled.

Because she's hungry already, Tzuyu walks downstairs holding the tray and she had her dinner in the kitchen...

Meanwhile, in Sana's room, she can't sleep as she was still thinking about Tzuyu...

"I wonder if she eats it..." Sans pout. "I missed her already.." Sana added. "But, I know I deserve in this situation... If I gave up, Seems like I also give up my love for her..." Sana said...

Minutes later Sana suddenly hear a car, so she stands up and peek through the window and she saw Tzuyu's car leaving the house...

"Where is she going again.." Sana sadly asked. "

While Sana is busy thinking about Tzuyu she suddenly received a call from Mina...


Is Calling You...


Mina: Sana ~ Chan. 

Sana: Minari...

Mina: You're still not sleeping???

Sana: Mmmm, I can't sleep...

Mina: Where is Tzuyu??

Sana: She went somewhere again...

Mina: Do you want me to call her???

Sana: It's alright.  Just let her be.

Mina: Sana ~  Chan...

Mina suddenly feels the sadness that Sana feels at the moment...

Sana: She doesn't like me anymore minari...

Sana can't hold on anymore as she burst into tears...

Sana: I know, I don't have the rights to complain since it's my fault since first but... But it's hurt already... The person I love is treating me now like an invisible person ... Tzuyu is disgusted seeing me.

Mina: She's still mad right now, but I know she will understand you soon. Don't think too much Unnie...

Sana: I feel like, I'm not welcome here anymore.

Mina: Unnie, Don't think like that. Just bare the pain, for now, I know the old Tzuyu will going back soon....

Sana: Komawo Mina~ya..

Sana: I don't think I deserve all the kindness you're giving but I'm really thankful for you...

Mina: You are always welcome Sana Chan, we are always here for you...

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