Chapter 12

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Morning, Tzuyu is the first one who woke up and the moment she woke up she quickly do her morning routines and prepare their breakfast...

Tzuyu is been checking the time since she has an early meeting today. After she prepares the breakfast she went upstairs to check Sana and when she opened the door she found the latter still sleeping.

"She must be tired," Tzuyu mumbled to her head so she decided not to wake up Sana...

Tzuyu eats the breakfast alone, she just left some food for the latter ...

6:30 AM when she was about to leave when exactly Momo went to their house.


"You're leaving already???." Momo asked.

"Yeah, I have meeting today.."

"How about Sana? Where is she??.."

"She's still sleeping I guess," Tzuyu said.

"Are you still mad at her???."


"It's okay if you don't answer my question. I understand. But I hope you guys will be okay soon.."

Tzuyu just smiles at Momo.

"I'll go ahead now Unnie. You just go inside...."

"Arasso, drive safe.."


Momo went inside and she directly went to Sana's room which is the guest room.

"Sana ~ ya..." Momo said the moment she enters the room but the latte isn't responding...

"Sana?." Momo walks closer and she removed the blanket on Sana's body and she noticed that her friend is chilling.

"Ya, Sana ~ya are you okay???." Momo worriedly asked as she touches the latter's forehead and Momo was surprised because Sana is burning in fever...

"You're burning in fever..." Momo worriedly said...


"Wait, I'll just get some cold water..."

Momo said as she immediately went downstairs to get some alcohol, basin, and water...

After Momo wiping Sana she tried to contact Tzuyu but the latter isn't responding, because she's not currently in the meeting...


10:45 AM when she finished her meeting, Tzuyu went directly to her office. She immediately opens her PC to monitor Sana but she didn't saw Sana on her desk so she called Chaeryeong...


"Where is Ms.Minatozaki?.." Tzuyu asked.

"Uhm, I didn't saw her since earlier. I think she didn't go to work today."

"Okay, you can now leave."

"Okay, Ms.Chou..."

"Why isn't went to work?.." she mumbled to herself.

Tzuyu was busy thinking about Sana when suddenly she hears her phone ringing. She quickly opens her drawer and gets it and Momo is calling her.


Is Calling You...


Momo: Tzuyu~ah...

Tzuyu: Unnie...

Tzuyu feels a worried voice from Momo.

Momo: Sana...

Tzuyu suddenly stood up when she hears Sana's name.

Tzuyu: What happened to Sana???

Momo: She's burning in fever...

Tzuyu: What?...

Momo: I've been calling you since earlier, but I can't contact you...

Tzuyu didn't respond any more as she quickly hangs up the phone. She gets her things and immediately leaves the building.

After an hour of driving, she finally arrived at their house, and she saw Momo in the living room.



"H-How's Sana??."

"She's sleeping now..."

"Komawo Unnie.."

"It's okay, but I have to go now. I still need to accompany your Nayeon Unnie on her fan signing event."


"I know you're still mad at her but Please take care of her..."

"I will..."

When Momo leaves their place Tzuyu quickly went upstairs to check Sana, and when she gets inside the room she found the latter peacefully sleeping ...

Tzuyu walks closer as she is seated on the bed. She checked Sana's forehead and the latter is still burning in fever...

"You are not taking care of yourself..." Tzuyu mumbled as she gently caressed Sana's face...

"You look so tired... Did I already giving you a hard time??..." She asked... "I admit that I'm still hurt, You broke my heart into pieces the moment I heard from you that you just used me... Seems like my world crash when I hear it from you. I wanted to get revenge but how can I get revenge if my heart was still beating your name.."

"You let me love Mina, Don't you know that??? I learn to love her already. I was really happy being with her, but when you came again in my life, You make my heart beats again for you."

"Sana, You're slowly torturing me. My heart is really broken right now, and I know to myself that you're the only person who can fix it but..."

"I'm still not yet ready. I'm afraid... I'm afraid to take the risk again..."

"I hope you understand, what I feel right now..." Tzuyu said as she was intently looking at Sana.

"I'm happy because you came back here sound and safe. You also went through a lot for those 2 years... I still haven't asked you if How are you, if Are you okay 😔 .."

"You know what, I can't remove in my mind on what I did to you the other day. I hurt you, I was drowning in anger at that time. I'm sorry for being so stupid, I shouldn't do that to you. I know I scare you time, I know you feel afraid of me but you still choose to stay just to prove your love for me."

"I think Mina Unnie is right, I should open my heart again but I still don't know-how. I hope you can still wait, Sana."

Tzuyu leans closer as she kissed Sana's forehead...

"I hope we can still get back what we have before. I hope you don't give up your love for me..."

"I miss you Sana. I really do..." Tzuyu said as she held Sana's hand...


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