Chapter 13

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When Sana woke up, she suddenly feels a severe pain in her head, she looks around to see Momo but suddenly Tzuyu came in and she was surprised to see the latter...


Tzuyu put down the tray she was holding and walks closer to Sana.

"How are you?.." She asked and check Sana's forehead. "You're still burning in fever..." She added.

"I'm okay... I thought you went work?..".

"Momo Unnie message me, and she told me that you're burning in fever." Tzuyu shortly said as she gets the tray that contains of foods she prepares for Sana. "Eat this, you haven't eaten your breakfast since earlier." She added.

"Where is Momo?."

"She leaves already because she needs to Nayeon Unnie."


Sana leans on the headboard and Tzuyu gives her the food.

"You can just go back to the company now Tzu. I'm okay, now.." Sana said.

"Don't talk. Just eat." Tzuyu said.

"Sorry.." Sana said as she starts eating...

"Tsk, you're so slow." Tzuyu grabs the plate and spoon and she starts feeding the latter.


"Here." Tzuyu slowly points the spoon to Sana and the latter accepts it...

"I can do it..." Sana said.

"Yeah, you can do it but you are too slow and you're messing up," Tzuyu said as she noticed that there's some dirt on Sana's side lips.

"Are you really like this???.." Tzuyu gently wipes the dirt on Sana's side lips. "You're such a messy eater.." She added.

The moment Tzuyu touch her Sana's heartbeat suddenly beat so fast as well her face quickly heat up...

"Why your face is getting red? Are you okay???.."

"Huh, yeah.." Sana said... "

Tzuyu and Sana suddenly surprised when Sana's phone rang... She gets her phone from the table and answers.


Is Calling You....


Sana: Miyeon ~ah...

Tzuyu's ears perked when she hears Miyeon's name so she immediately looks at Sana.

Miyeon: You didn't go to work. 

Sana: Sorry, I'm not feeling well right now. Don't worry I will go to work tomorrow...

Miyeon: You're not feeling well???

Miyeon: Are you sick???

Sana: Yeah.

Miyeon: Do you want me to come to your place after work??

Sana: Huh??

Tzuyu gets more irritated when she hears what Miyeon said...

Sana: No, it's okay. Besides I'm fine already.

Miyeon: Are you sure?

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