Chapter 3

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Nayeon and Momo find ways for Sana and Mina to meet. It's been 3 days already since Sana came back to Korea and she badly wanted to see Tzuyu already.

Jeongyeon Unnie's
Coffee Shop

"She's coming now," Jeongyeon said.

Meanwhile, Sana is now starting to get nervous until seconds later the door opened...

Sana turned around and she saw Mina, Mina smile at her as she walks closer to Sana and gives her a warm hug...


"I missed you Sana Chan..." Mina burst into tears...

"I miss you too..." Sana smile as she gently rubs Mina's back...

Jeongyeon, Momo, and Nayeon give them some space so that they can talk comfortably with each other...

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Sana Chan. I didn't expect that I will fall for Tzuyu..."

"It's alright... I should be the one who's more sorry because I did all this mess But, How's here??? Is she asking me???." Sana asked...

"She's mad. She knows everything already Sana Chan..."

"Minari... I know this is ridiculous but, Can you give me back my wife???.." Sana's voice cracks her tears are continuously flowing...

"Sana Chan..."

"Give me chance to prove how much I love I love her so much Minari..... promise I will never break heart again..." Sana pleaded to Mina...

Sana stands up and kneels in front of Mina...

"I've been longing for her for almost 2 years. There's no day and night I didn't think of her... I'm begging you Minari... Please give me chance to be her wife..."

"Sana Chan..." Mina helped Sana to stand up... "Arasso, I will help you to get closer again with Tzuyu. Stop crying now..." Mina said as she hugs Sana tightly... "What matters to right now is you're okay, I can feel the hardship you face when Mark Oppa locked you in Morocco. I understand Unnie. I'm willing to give Tzuyu back to you..." Mina said...

When everything is calm already, Mina and Sana start to get along together. Mina admits that she missed Sana and their friendship and she suddenly feels right now that the friendship she builds with Sana is more important than anything else...

"Have you already talked to Tzuyu's parents???.." Mina asked.

"Yeah, they visit me yesterday..."

"Don't worry, you have now your time and chance to fixed everything..."

"How about your feelings???.." Sana worriedly asked...

"It's hard letting go of the person you learn to love but, I don't want to be selfish. You're also having a hard time for those 2 years. You're her wife, and I know you're the owner of her heart that's why I'm willing to let go of Tzuyu for you Sana Chan and I hope you will not gonna waste this second chance."

"I understand.  Thank you so much, Minari..."

"Your always welcome Unnie..."


2:45 PM when Mina got home and she was surprised to see Tzuyu in the living room.

"Tzu... Why are you home early??." She asked.

"I got bored in the office.." Tzuyu pout. 

"Did you have your lunch already???."

"No, not yet..."

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