Chapter 36

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8:30 PM already when Chaeyoung and Mina finally get back to the hotel. The moment Mina enter her room Nayeon, Momo and Sana quickly bombarded her a lots of questions....

"Minari, is it really true that you and Chaeyoung are now now dating ???.." Momo asked as she cling her hand to Mina...

Meanwhile Mina looks at Sana, a stare asking why the Unnie's know's already...

"Tzuyu accidentally tell to them earlier..." Sana said..

"So, is it really true???.." Nayeon asked.

"Yes..." Mina smile, and blush...

"Kyaaaa!! 😍😍..." Momo jumps in happiness...

"Whoahh, I knew it. I really have this feelings since we are studying in Hanlim that Chaeyoung likes you ..." Nayeon said...

Meanwhile while they are talking, Jihyo and Jeongyeon came in ...

"Is Mina, already there???.." Jeongyeon asked.

"Yes, she's here already..." Sana answer...

"Whoahhh!!! Minari..." Jihyo runs to her and gives her a warm hug... "Congratulations 🙂..."

"Komawo, Jihyo ~ ya 😄..."

Jeongyeon walks closer to Mina, she smile and hugs the latter too...

"Jeongyeonie..." Mina mumbled...

"I'm happy for you 🙂 Chaeyoung is so lucky, because she win your heart ..." Jeongyeon said...


"Chaeyoung is perfect for you. I know she will never hurt you ...."

"Jeongyeon~ah, are you sure you're okay?." Nayeon asked ..

Jeongyeon smile. "Of course 🙂 All I wanted is Mina's happiness. I'm happy if she's happy... It's enough for me..." Jeongyeon sincerely said...

Mina hugs Jeongyeon... "Komawo..." Mina said...

"Gonna talk to Chaeyoung later 😊.." Jeongyeon pat Mina's head ... "Be happy okay???.."

"LOL Chaeyoung will be in trouble if she will gonna break Mina's heart ^^ there's Jeongyeon and Tzuyu guarding her..." Jihyo said...

"Tzuyu, trust Chaeyoung. She will never hurt Mina..." Sana said....

"Thank You, for accepting our relationship..." Mina said...

"You deserves to be happy too, Minari 🙂..." Momo said...

"Momo is right, and we will always here for you..." Jeongyeon added and they formed a circle and hugs Mina...

Meanwhile, the maknae's are also having a conversation in their room since Tzuyu visits them.

"I hope I can find my true love too.." Dahyun said... "I really envy you guys, you already found the perfect person for you .." Dahyun said...

"Don't worry, Unnie you will find the perfect person for you too. Maybe not now but soon, soon you will find that person." Chaeyoung said.

"Absolutely. Chaeyoung Unnie is right. Don't give up and don't rush Dahyun Unnie..."

"I will, I'm glad that you guys are my friend. You guys are encouraging me a lot ...." Dahyun said... "Chaengie, better to take care of Mina Unnie okay???? Don't ever hurt her..." Dahyun added.

"I will... I already stop flirting with other girls..." Chaeyoung said.

"Really???." Tzuyu asked...

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