16. no

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My eyes were trained on Annabeth, silently rooting for her because I didn't want to distract her. My mind was working overtime as I tried to make a plan this time. Nothing came to mind and I just wished someone was here to help.

I guess that wish came true or we had a new enemy because the air shimmered green behind Tartarus. I almost cried in relief when I saw Loki appear.

"Loki! Help her!" I cried desperately.

"No please or anything hmm?" he said, but still jumped into the fight.

Now that it was 2 on 1, I thought it was time to make a move too. I spun harshly out of Kronos's grasp and punched him hard. He leapt for me but I rolled away and finally pulled out riptide. 

Slash, parry, strike.

Again and again. It went on forever against a body with the curse of Achilles as I tried to find his new weak spot. I tried the old one with no avail, he only grinned as my blade was deflected.

I heard Annabeth scream and a string was broken in my mind. There was only one way if we wanted to get out of his alive. If Kronos's physical body couldn't be harmed, I would have to destroy the inside. 

I focused more on defense, and acted like I was getting more tired. He was relishing in his upcoming victory, but I just looked up at him and smiled.

His face showed some confusion before distorting in pain. I felt the power I held as I concentrated even more on his blood. To make it explode, make it all come out, come to me.

Right before his body could go kaboom, I heard Loki.

"Stop and come help your girlfriend!" he yelled grimly.

I realized what I was doing, gave one last glance at Kronos who was out, and rushed over to Tartarus. Annabeth and Loki were both dead tired and I was running on empty. I covered Tartarus's attacks for Annabeth as I asked her what to do.

I saw her eyes start to tear up as she said, "Percy remember I love you".

"NO, NO," I finally cried. "Annabeth we can get out of this I promise," I said as I tried to convince her.

"You can," she whispered as she slumped down. Loki took over for me and I rushed to her side as I noticed the giant red hole sleeping blood in her abdomen. 

"I get she's dead but I can't hold on for much longer," Loki grunted as he was flung across the room.

I heard Tartarus laugh and I completely snapped.

"Annabeth, Annabeth, ANNABETH," my muttering turned into screams as the shock subsided to the truth laying out in front of me.

I got up to enact revenge with newfound power, but all I saw was Loki running to restrain Tartarus as he dissolved into the darkness with a smirk on his face.

I completely crumbled and could only remember Loki running to help me as I blacked out.


Hey guys!

I just wanted to say thank you so much for everyone reading and interacting with this story! It means a lot and I'm so happy to see people like it.

Also, this actually took a different turn than I expected, but if you really want to see Percy with the Avengers again, that will come later in the second part, and it will be way less about Percy's demigod stuff. Like yes powers with more of the Avengers characters.

This became more serious than I expected but Part 1 isn't done yet!

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