2. An Old Friend

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I woke up bright and early and headed back to the SHIELD grounds.

"Hey Hill," I yawned as I made myself a coffee.

"Finally some respect I see," she said as she crossed her arms.

"What do you have for me today Maria?" I said lazily.

She huffed and rolled her eyes but still went on.

"Hmm... actually...," she looked back up with a creepy smile and I just knew she was planning something.

"I'll tell you later, just go and rest or get ready, whatever you do," she said. I narrowed my eyes but It wasn't worth the effort to squeeze it out of her so I went to go do that. I wasn't using riptide anymore and as you would expect, normal weapons that were not ancient Greek enchanted swords needed much more attention and care.

"Hey Markk!"

"Don't tell me you already broke your knifes, those take so long to make!"

"Noooo, I wouldn't dare! I just came here for a polish"

Mark slung his rag over his shoulders and held out his hand, "Fine, hand them over."

"Just because you don't treasure them doesn't mean they aren't my babies," he grumbled under his breath.

"Aww, come on, sure I do," I said, punching his arm lightly.

"But seriously," he said looking up, "my weapons are sturdy, I've never seen another agent who has destroyed as many as you."

I only gave him a grin in response.

"Au revoir," I waved over my shoulder as I left. It would take a while and I wanted to walk around.

As soon as I left the weapons area, I felt all the other agents gazes on me. I guess I gave them some nice gossip material.

I had popped up only 6 months ago but rose up so easily. No training either. heh. Let them be intimidated. I didn't interact with any of them, save for Maria since she was the one giving me missions.

After strutting my stuff, I soon got bored since I realized there was nobody to talk to. I decided it was long enough so I had back down and picked up my newly polished knifes.

I was just walking back up the hall to find Maria when my alarms went off. There was someone familiar nearby, and I couldn't see a way that would bode well. I ducked behind the wall and waited for someone to pass the hall. I would just have to hope they wouldn't turn down my way.

Soon the footsteps approached and I picked up the conversation.

"Why can't I work with Nat like usual?"

"Stop whining, this agent is familiar with the people involved already"

Maria! and... Clint?

Well that explains her behavior this morning. She knew I wanted to avoid them but doesn't tell me when they are coming.

I decided to go change because I wasn't going to miss out on some fun just because of this. It wasn't like Clint was the brightest of the bunch anyways. Black Widow may have been another story but I trusted my skills to disguise myself well enough. It wasn't like they would be expecting me here.

What was Fury doing sending them all the way to France anyways? Probably to tick me off or get me to reveal myself. Our deal clearly stated he couldn't reveal me but it didn't stop him from trying to trick me into doing it myself. And I knew he wouldn't go back on his word because as little as he wanted to admit it, he didn't want to risk losing me. I was someone who he didn't have to worry if they would return alive or not, and who wouldn't ask questions. But the team would probably feel betrayed if they found out he was finding me here all along.

I suited up early, it was just a simple outfit in all black with an eye mask. It would be enough to hide my face.

"You know I like to work alone," I said as I entered Maria's office. Clint turned to look who his new partner would be.

"So your one of those?"

"Who?" I asked.

"The ones who hide their identity," he said, clearly offended I didn't trust him enough to let him see my face.

"Dark scary spy huh?" he said laughing.

"I see you got ready fast," Maria said, upset I saw her visitor beforehand. She knew I didn't usually wear the eye mask. Since I didn't know anyone in France it didn't really matter if someone saw my face.

"Yes, but some notice in advance wouldn't have hurt"

"I decided against it," she said, challenging me.

"Whatever, just tell me the mission so I can go out for some fun"

I saw Clint flinch at my comment and could just imagine as he categorized me as the crazy type too.

She turned on her monitors and gave us a brief rundown. I still didn't see a reason they had to send Clint all the way here besides, "you need good distance support". It looked like we were supposed to finish wiping out the gang from yesterday, tying up lose ends. Now tell me, who sounds like the bad guys in this situation?

I stood up and walked out of the room.

"Where are you going, I'm not done yet!" Maria shouted after me.

"Why the mission, where else?" I replied not looking back.

Clint got up and ran after me after a look from Maria.

"Where are your arrows?" I asked.

"In the car, how do you know I use a bow?"

"She said you were long distance support," I said obviously.

"So why not a sniper? That's much more common"

"I know your Hawkeye, it's not much of a secret"

"Oh," he said, embarrassed.

"Come on, let's go"

"How old are you anyways?" he asked.


"Oh," he said pretty shocked.



I sighed and found a inconspicuous SHIELD car we could take.

"We are going now? Aren't we going to wait until it's dark?" Clint asked.

"I don't want to and by the time we get there the sun will have set anyways."

"Oh," he said embarrassed once again.

"Wait you're only 21! Why are you the one taking the lead?" he finally realized.

"You were listening anyways."

"Plus, I'm stronger than you," I added over my shoulder as I got into the driver's seat.

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