date night

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My eyes are locked on the road as I drive Lisa home, refusing to glance at her because I'm sure I had already looked more times than was deemed appropriate at her ass and thighs that were hugged by skin-tight black shorts.

The first time I looked was when I was in the audience and Lisa's show was just about to start. I hadn't looked there specifically, I had simply taken her in completely as she emerged on the stage.

The second time I looked was when her legs started to spread a couple of feet away from me. Of course I had looked then. I'm sure I was even supposed to look then, since this was a dance performance and that part of her body was moving.

But it was after the second time I found my eyes kept drifting back to her almost naked lower ha;f, especially when she grinned at me before rising up ass first. 

I was admiring her.

Her body was perfect and she had legs for days. They were long and tanned and perfect, but it was when I found myself wondering what they would feel like under my palm that I realised that I should maybe avert my focus elsewhere. 

So, I did. I scanned back up to Lisa's face, briefly hovering over her slim waist and the white fabric that clung around her chest that connected to her wide, slim shoulders which also happened to be half on display. 

It may have taken me a minute or so to reach her face. I suppose it was a part of the routine, but her face was just as seductive as the rest of her body, and she was staring right at me. She grins when I meet her eyes again and a shudder of panic runs through my chest at the thought that she had just seen me absolutely gawking over her figure. 

I'm not quite sure how the rest of the performance goes. It was already warm in the hall and my temperature was rising by the second. When the atmosphere erupts into applause it startles me and I realise that Lisa has stopped dancing and I'm still looking at her. Apparently, I didn't remember to avert my gaze before zoning out. 

Joining in with the applause, Lisa and the rest of her group take a bow before turning to leave behind the curtain. 

My eyes don't miss the opportunity of this view and find her ass again before I can even register what I'm doing. But it doesn't take long for me to realise, and even then, I let my eyes linger for a second more before I lose sight of her completely. 

Being at the front, I'm among the last to make my way out of the hall. My thoughts are sort of a blur when Lisa pulls me from them and snaps me out of it.

But being in the car with her now, I'm lost for words or any conversation topics and the only thing on my mind is Lisa's body.

The more I think about it, the harder it is for me to ignore it. I just wanted to look. There was nothing malicious in looking. Her body was so accessible right now. Just one little flick of my eyes to catch one little glance. 

I let myself then. Or maybe I couldn't even control it, but I look. I look for a moment or two and then snap my eyes away, back onto the road while my teeth pull on my lower lip.

It hadn't been long enough but any longer would have been too much. They were pressed against the leather of my passenger seat, looking even thicker from this angle and softer up close. Her hands had been resting on each thigh. 

I hadn't paid attention to her hands before but they were standing out now. Even without measuring them, I could see they were distinctly bigger than mine with longer fingers. They were almost the size of a man's hands whilst still maintaining slenderness and a strong air of feminity. 

I'm about to look again when a sound from Lisa's phone startles me, almost making me gasp but I catch it just in time.

From the corner of my eye, I see her pulling her phone out and it lighting up.

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