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Three days later, my alarm rings out tragically in the early hours of the morning. My eyes refuse to open so I have no choice but to reach out to the general direction in which the blaring sound is coming from. I tap the screen until it finally stops and turn my face back into my pillow. 

I think of Jennie and the keen warning she left me with last night to make sure to wake up on time, but my bed is more comforting right now and eventually, the noise in my mind mutes. Several minutes later feels like mere seconds, but my alarm is going off again, and this time it shocks me into forcing my eyes open. 

I turn the alarm off and rub my eyes, using all my strength to maintain my head above my pillow rather than drifting back to it. Eventually, my feet manage to find the cold floor and lift me out of bed, and then I can begin to get ready for the day. 

After finishing in the bathroom, I return to find several notifications from Jennie trying to get in contact with me. I had forgotten the part of the warning where she insisted I message her to let her know I was awake.

Feeling guilty, I quickly type a response, apologizing for the delay and assuring her that I'm up and getting ready. Her messages reek of urgency, fueling my excitement to see her and for our secret trip to Jeju Island.

Once I'm done getting myself presentable, I pack a small bag with the essentials and head downstairs with the rest of my luggage. 

It's still early. I'm not really feeling hungry, but I decide to go ahead and make myself a slice of toast. I take a mouthful of it just as my mum walks into the kitchen. She must have waited because she usually leaves for work by now.

I widen my eyes in an attempt to greet her while still chewing, and she approaches me with her arms outstretched, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I can't believe my baby won't be with me for her birthday this year."

I hug her back and manage to swallow my food.

"We can celebrate after I come back, Mum."

"Yes, dear, when Kai is back."

"Exactly," I say, rolling my eyes.

She releases the hug and grabs my shoulders.

"I better go before I start crying."

"Oh, Mum, please don't be dramatic."

"Have a great time with your friends, dear."

"I will, Mum."

"I have to leave now. Make sure to text me when you've arrived. Bye, Lisa. I love you."

"I will, Mum. Don't worry. Love you too. Bye."

She exits the room, and I hear the front door shut as she heads off to work.

My phone buzzes, and I see it's Jennie letting me know she's on her way. Thank god my mum didn't stay any longer, or I would've had some explaining to do.

It's 9:20 am when Jennie arrives. She lets herself in through the front door, which I left open for her. I'm in the kitchen, leaning against the island, engrossed in my phone when she walks in. As she approaches me, a wide smile spreads across my face, and we embrace in a tight hug.

"I've missed you," she whispers against my neck.

"Barely been three days," I tease playfully.

"Oh, so you haven't missed me?" She pulls away and raises an eyebrow, feigning annoyance.

"I've missed this," I grin mischievously, sliding my hands from her waist down to her ass, giving it a firm squeeze that catches her off guard.

"Well, you can keep missing it because you're not getting none of it," she grabs my hands and pushes them back to my sides.

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