toy (M)

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Coming off the high from last night, I awoke on Saturday morning to a hollow feeling gnawing at my core. Never before had I felt so utterly drained, so thoroughly used. My mind was a scrambled mess, feeling completely satiated and complacent whilst a weight sat heavily on my chest, serving as a prominent reminder that Lisa had fucked me like a common whore. 

I battled with myself back and forth in my head, one voice of ambition telling me how much Lisa loved me with an unwavering and unconditional fire passion that pushed her to meet both of our desires without stepping too close to the fire out of fear of getting burnt again. On the other hand, the voice of reason reminded me of how much I had hurt and used Lisa, and now she was just getting her own back, playing games with complete detachment. 

As the voices died down, I wasn't any closer to figuring out Lisa's true motives. Why did she leave last night? Was it pure disdain for me, or did she truly mean it when she declared she was through with me, and our encounter was merely a retribution for my teasing?

Regardless of her motives, she knew I needed after-care post-sex. She was fully aware of her actions last night, of how she ravished me and then departed, leaving me behind as though I were nothing more than a transaction to her.

Perhaps I deserved it. In all likelihood, I did. In fact, I could say with 100% certainty that Lisa was justified in her cruelty. But the pain it caused remained unchanged.

Summoning the strength to rise from bed, I confronted my reflection in the mirror.

An audible gasp escaped my lips as I took in the sight before me. Dark, bruised imprints adorned my body, spanning from my neck to my chest, and my stomach, and trailing down to my inner thighs. Delicate bruises from her touch marked my waist, while a faint red impression lingered on my rear.

Tracing my fingertips along my neck, I realized the challenge of concealing these marks. A turtleneck seemed a plausible solution, though a temporary one.

I stood, captivated by Lisa's handiwork, pondering the implications. If she had truly severed ties with me, if I no longer belonged to her, why mark me? Surely she anticipated Kai's inevitable gaze upon me.

She must be deceiving herself. This was typical Lisa behavior. Seeing me with Kai reignited her possessive instincts, prompting her to lay claim to me again, ensuring I remained tied to her.

Suddenly, the void within me lessened. If, in the end, Lisa reclaimed me, it would justify the ordeal. But for now, I remained wounded.

After a bracing shower, I dressed, concocting a scheme to secure a private audience with Lisa, one where she couldn't simply slip away from me. It wasn't foolproof, but it was the best I could muster, worth a gamble. Donning a turtleneck, I initiated a FaceTime call with Kai, engaging in casual conversation before unveiling my plan.

"Could I spend the night at yours?" I ventured.

He chuckled, amused by my request. "Nice try, but my dad would keel over if we bunked together. He's quite traditional."

Exactly what I'm banking on.

"Really? But it's just sleep," I persisted. "We've hung out in your room plenty, and he's never batted an eye."

"True, but when it comes to this Dad's not exactly logical. As soon as he hears Jennie's staying over, alarms start blaring in his head."

"Hmm... What if I stayed in Lisa's room? Her bed's spacious enough, then I'd be there when you wake up."

"Not a bad idea," he mused. "I'll run it by Lisa and see what she thinks."

"I think it might be better if I asked her. She's more likely to agree," I suggested.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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