we need to talk

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Jennie said we still needed to talk but she's been driving for several minutes and hadn't said a word. I'd said what I needed to and was more than content to pick up what we started outside her door in the backseat of her car. We could worry about talking and what we were gonna do after. I wanted one night with her where we didn't think it through and just did what we wanted. But with whatever was going on between us, Jennie called the shots, and I just took whatever she gave.

Cornering her against her car was somewhat planned. I wanted a chance tonight, and when I saw one, I didn't let it go to waste. If I had, the conversation that was coming would have been different. Jennie would have teased me some more and then only after she'd feed me some more of her morality bullshit. It wasn't good enough. If she wanted it to stop, she'd have to leave Kai. She laughed at this, but I was serious.

"Are we going somewhere?" I'm first to break the silence. In her head, she was probably telling herself what she usually told me before ghosting me for days. 

I'd made it clear to her that we couldn't go back, but I didn't have much of a leg to stand on if she refused.

"We need to talk," she mutters, her head turning in my direction but her eyes not meeting mine.

"So, talk."

"I don't know what to say, Lisa," she snaps at me. Fiesty. I wonder if Kai saw this side of her.

"Park up then. We can talk in the backseat." She scoffs and shakes her head, not replying to my suggestion. "Fine, but we can't keep driving with nowhere to go. Let's go somewhere and talk."


"Pass me your phone." She looks at me. "I'll type the address into maps," I explain and after a moment of hesitation, she unlocks her phone and passes it to me. 

"Where are we going?" She asks as I pass it back to her.

"Somewhere we won't be seen."

She doesn't say anything else and I leave her to her thoughts so she could figure out what exactly she wanted to say to me. 

We were already in the city centre, so it isn't long before we arrive at our destination. Jennie turns a corner, her foot lifting off the gas pedal. 

"Where are we?" She asks.

"Park in here," I point to the car park entrance on the right. "We'll have to walk a bit."

She does as I say without asking more questions. I step out and pay for a ticket before returning to her. Opening the driver's door, Jennie still has her seat belt on. 

"Come on, Jen," I offer her my hand which she looks at. She unbuckles her seatbelt and then takes it. 

It's already dark and Jennie doesn't know where we're going, so when I throw an arm over her shoulder and pull her into my side, she doesn't protest. 

"Where are we going, Lisa?" She asks for the nth time.

"You'll see," I just say, turning into a dark alleyway because I know it'll get us there faster. We walk out onto the main street and take a left. I can hear by the growing volume of chatter that we're getting close. 

We get to the door and my hand slips into Jennie's, pulling her inside.

"You brought us to a bar?" I hear her say.

"You brought us to a bar."

"That's not funny, Lisa."

"Relax, Jennie. What's the problem? Don't you drink?"

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