more than him

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This isn't a fucking whore house. Keep that shit in your room.

It wasn't so much Lisa's words, but rather her tone that had triggered something in me when she spat them so crudely. I should have been seething. I should have slapped her where she stood, or let Kai defend me as he was going to, but I hadn't cared that Lisa had called me a whore. Not truly. 

Perhaps it was because I knew the truth behind her cruel words. Her lashing out at me because of her own jealousy didn't surprise me, it only reassured me of her feelings for me. Although, for her to do it so blatantly in front of her brother was alarming, it was equally as stimulating. 

It was the first time I felt butterflies in my chest and not my belly. The first time I had been so stunned my throat had closed up to give any response. The first time I felt a heartbeat between my legs without ever being touched. 

Of course, though, Lisa and I weren't alone in that room and the most reasonable thing for me to do at that time was remove both myself and Kai from the situation. Kai was angry, of course, but he was more confused than anything. He just couldn't seem to understand why his sister would be so insolent towards his girlfriend when we had been getting on so well up until now. 

I had given him a bunch of half-ass excuses that could explain her behaviour and in the end he let it go and turned on his game console. Laying in his bed with my legs closed was torment knowing Lisa was just downstairs. 

I didn't mean to turn it into a game when I pulled out my phone to message her. It just happened. I expected her to grovel right away, but she was still seething and even resentful towards me, saying more things that attacked my character, either to hurt me or trigger me, I wasn't sure. 

I was triggered though. Her lack of remorse agitated me and intrigued me. I put her in time-out whilst I took time to think it over, but it's difficult to approach things with a rational mind when there's something, or rather someone, clouding it.

After some deep consideration and vivid fantasising, I came to the safe conclusion that it would be best to talk it over after being satiated.  

Lisa yelps when I bite down on her lip, struggling to keep up with how I was trying to manhandle her whilst simultaneously pulling her on top of me. 

"Fuck me, Lisa." I grab her wrists and pull her hands to my waist. "Fuck me like a whore."

She makes a noise of surprise before breaking from my lips. "What? Wait. Stop, Jennie."

But I didn't want to stop. I wanted to be fucked. Like a whore, as she has so bluntly called me earlier. My fingers slip through the hair on the back of her head, pulling her right back to me, whilst hooking my feet over the back of her legs and letting myself fall back onto my bed with Lisa coming with me.

My head hits the mattress as Lisa's hand reflexively stretches out to stop her head from hitting mine. Her hair falls messily across her face as she looks down at me with alarm and confusion in her eyes. 

"Wait, Jennie," she says again, more breathier this time. "Just wait for a minute."

So I wait, with my legs still wrapped over hers and my hand over her nape whilst she catches her breath and gathers her thoughts. After a moment, she attempts to free herself from me, but when she realises I'm trapping her, she doesn't try again. 

"Just wait a second," she says once again, and I giggle. 

"Wait for what?" 

"Wait," she searches my face and holds my shoulders for support. "Wait for me to figure out what's going on," she finally explains and I laugh again. "I thought you were mad at me,' she questions apprehensively. 

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