you're mine

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I don't have the patience to wait until everyone sleeps to see Jennie. In fact, the moment I leave the room, I also leave the house and call an Uber, whilst I sit on the front step and wait for it to arrive, my thought consumed by nothing but Jennie and Kai of course. 

I contemplate messaging her, but my mood has only gone from bad to worse and I don't want to do anything that might compromise seeing her in person as soon as I possibly can. I would just turn up at her house and she would have no choice but to let me in.

And that's exactly what I do. Once the Uber turns onto her street I message her to let her know I'm outside. She's understandably confused. 

jennie - what?

me -  I'm outside.

I thank the driver and get out of the car. I look to Jennie's window and see her curtains twitch. 

jennie - one sec

Shortly after, the front door is opened and Jennie is looking at me in bewilderment, but it seems she doesn't want to question me until we're in the privacy of her room. 

"I think we're safe. My family are in their rooms." 

I shrug, not caring, and then she looks at me expectantly. I shrug again.

"What happened? I thought you were coming tonight."

"Well, I'm here now. Sorry if that doesn't work out for you."

Jennie rolls her eyes, groaning and turning on her side on the bed away from me.

"If you just came to argue, Lisa, you can go right back where you came from."

Funnily enough, this only made me want to argue more. 

"Look at me." Jennie lays motionless. I sit behind her and pull her onto her back. She offers no resistance but her eyes are ready raging with fire when they meet mine. I'm getting more and more irked by the minute. "Kai wore you out, did he?"

Jennie swings an arm at me. I hadn't been expecting it and her fist lands against my shoulder pretty roughly. "Fuck you, Lisa. He treats me better than you do at least."

"Oh really? He fuck you better too?" She hits me again.

"FUCK YOU." She sits up finally. "You know I'm not sleeping with him, but say one more word about it and I'll drive over to your house right now and do exactly what you're accusing me of." She dares me and she's bluffing of course, but I think I've taken it far enough in that respect. 

I scoff at her. "Whatever."

After a quiet moment, she says almost gently, "tell me what happened?" I stare at the mattress. "You saw him? Did he say something?" I hum shortly and nod slightly. Jennie sighs. "You know I can't control that, Lisa. You have to ignore him. What did he say?"

"He talked about proposing to you." Jennie is stunned into silence for long enough that I meet her gaze. She's looking at me with slight disgust and it's enough to elicit a small snicker from me. Jennie laughs a little harder in response. 

"You're joking, right?" She asks, already believing the answer to be yes. I shake my head and her smile drops. "What the hell?"

"My thoughts exactly."

"Does he know we've been dating for a few months?"

"It's been six."

"Oh shit, yeah. But, still..."

"Well, he's not doing it now. He's planning it for after you've been together for a year. Or maybe on the anniversary, I'm not sure."

"Oh," she says. Her shoulders drop and she laughs lightly. "Well, then, why are you so upset? You know we'll be long broken up before then." 

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