sweet lullaby

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It was by some miracle or divine intervention I had managed to keep a steady voice and hold back my tears in the presence of Jennie when my heart felt like she had just ripped my heart from my chest and stamped on it. But the second I slam that door and turn my back on her car, my breaths become desperate and shallow and the tears don't stop falling. 

The night air is cool against my tear-streaked face as I walk away from the remnants of what we once had. It's as if the world around me has lost its colour, fading into a bleak monochrome. Each step feels heavy, like I'm carrying the weight of our shattered love on my shoulders.

My mind races with a million questions, but there are no answers that can soothe the pain. Whatever Jennie's excuses were, they wouldn't be good enough and I had no interest in hearing them because she so easily ropes me back in. 

Maybe I would find the strength to face her and listen to her justification without running back to her one day but tonight was not the night. And right now my head was starting to ring and I no longer recognised the neighbourhood I was in. Everything in me craved for Jennie but when I unlock my phone it's Rosie's number I call.

I ask her to pick me up and she comes without question. Thankfully, having just finished dance practice with me it wouldn't take her long to get to me. 

In the dimly lit street, I stand alone, clutching my phone like a lifeline. The tears have subsided somewhat, but my heart still aches with the pain of betrayal. The passing cars cast fleeting shadows, and the distant city sounds remind me that life goes on, even when my world feels like it's crumbled into pieces.

When Rosie's car finally appears around the corner, relief washes over me like a gentle wave. She pulls up beside me, concern etched across her face as she steps out of the car.

"Lisa, are you okay?" Her voice is soft, filled with worry.

I shake my head, unable to trust my voice just yet. Instead, I step closer and wrap my arms around her, seeking comfort in the warmth of her embrace. Rosie holds me tightly, her presence a soothing balm to my wounded heart.

We don't need words in this moment; Rosie understands the depth of my pain. She guides me into the car, and I sink into the passenger seat, feeling the exhaustion that comes after a storm of emotions.

Rosie starts the car, and the engine's gentle hum provides a backdrop to my thoughts. I stare out of the window as the city passes by, the familiar sights now distorted by my grief.

Eventually, Rosie breaks the silence. "Lisa, you don't have to talk about it right now if you don't want to. Just know that I'm here for you, okay?"

I take in a shaky breath, my voice still trembling from the emotional storm that raged inside me. "I need to talk about it, Rosie. I think I'll combust if I don't."

Rosie nods and patiently waits for me to gather my thoughts and find the words. She already knew about Jennie but I decide to tell her the details. From the night we met to the playful teasing to Kai's proposal plans and finally Jennie's final promise to end it which she broke tonight.

Rosie listened in silence, she held my hand as tears streamed down my face, and hugged me tight when I had finished speaking.

As I finished recounting the painful details of my relationship with Jennie, Rosie's expression remained one of unwavering support. Her empathy and understanding were a lifeline in my darkest moment.

"I'm sorry, Lisa," she says softly, her voice filled with compassion. "You deserve someone better."

Her words touch a raw nerve, and I can't help but break down into tears again. "I don't want anyone better. I want her." The emotional toll of the evening, of confronting the truth about Jennie's actions, weighs heavily on my shoulders.

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