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It had been over three weeks since I had last seen or spoken to Lisa and I'm pretty sure I was having withdrawal symptoms. She had blocked me on everything imaginable, so there was no way for me to contact her. I had even managed to find Rosie's profile on Instagram and messaged her, only to be blocked by her too.

For the first few days after that night, I ignored all of Kai's calls and spent all my time trying to contact Lisa. Kai was worried about me after three days and had called my mom, who then asked me what was wrong, but I couldn't tell her. I could barely speak without crying.

Kai came over the day after that. I didn't even bother to lift my head to greet him, I just lay there whilst he tried to get me to talk to him. I didn't have the energy to deal with him. I was going to break up with him a few days ago but changed my mind. Even if I did, that didn't guarantee Lisa coming back to me and right now Kai was the only means I had of getting to her.

For the past two weeks, I had been going over to his house, but Lisa was never in and I didn't dare ask about her.

Right now, I was sitting on Kai's bed in his room and decided I couldn't take it anymore.

'Where has Lisa been lately?' I asked casually.

'Honestly, I don't even know. I'm pretty sure that she's coming home in the early hours of the morning after drinking all night and spending most days at her friend's house. But I don't think I've spoken to her in weeks. I think she's just spending as much time as possible with her friends before moving to uni in a few weeks.'

Amid all the drama, I had forgotten that she was going to university this year.

'Which uni is she going to?'

'The same one as us I think, unless she's changed her mind, except I won't be there this year. You'll keep an eye on her, won't you? Just in case she needs anything.'

'Yeah, of course I will.' I saw a glimmer of hope and suppressed a smile.

I stayed at Kai's until 1 am, by which time Kai had fallen fast asleep. I was thankful I had driven myself here, or I would have had to wake him to take me home.

I crept out of his room and over to Lisa's. I pushed the door open and was disappointed to not find her. I walked over and sat on her bed, I picked her pillow up and smelled it, before burying my face in it and crying quietly.

God, I missed her so much.

I waited for around thirty minutes in her bed, but she didn't show. I was getting tired so I decided it was time to leave.

I grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote a message for her.

'Lisa it's me, please talk to me. I miss you.'

I slipped the note, along with my underwear for extra incentive, under her pillow and left the house without waking anyone and drove home.


It was nearing evening when I woke, yet again, from a night plagued by restlessness. My habitual morning ritual involved checking my phone, hoping against hope that Lisa had reconsidered and unblocked me. As I sent my customary message, the familiar 'not delivered' sign mocked me.

A deep sigh escaped me, the weight of the situation unbearable. I couldn't endure this any longer; the month-long silence between us had become insufferable. Today, I had to see her, one way or another.

Realization struck – it was Friday. Lisa's dance practice would be in full swing tonight. Gathering my resolve, I took a shower and dressed with more care than I had in weeks. By 6 pm, I was on the road, heading to the dance studio.

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