red dress

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It had been three days since Lisa had blocked my number again, and we were back to the dreaded silence. The image of her kissing that girl had ignited an intense jealousy within me, a feeling I could now understand had fueled Lisa's actions all along. Yet, the anger simmered beneath my skin, pushing me to contemplate revenge before winning her back.

If Lisa wanted to play the jealousy game, then so be it. This girl had a way of driving me to the edge.

Summoning Kai, I initiated my plan. Every moment spent with him became more cringe-worthy, but I justified it as a means to an end. Gritting my teeth, I pushed forward.

"So, Lisa is leaving for uni soon, right?" I probed, trying to mask the distaste in my voice.

"Yeah, why?" Kai responded.

"Just a thought. Shouldn't we do something before she leaves? A farewell family meal, perhaps?" I suggested, feigning innocence.

"That's a good idea. I'll ring my mom now."

As Kai dialled his mom, I observed the unfolding scene with patience.

Days passed, and the anticipated farewell Friday evening arrived. Anxiety and anticipation churned within me as I readied myself for the night that would define the next step of our twisted relationship.

Checking my reflection in the mirror, I adorned the red dress Lisa had bought me. The same dress from our first unforgettable kiss, now a weapon in my arsenal. Arriving at Lisa's house, I exchanged pleasantries with her parents in the living room, ready to play my part.

"Wow, you look incredible, Jennie. Kai's upstairs," Lisa's mom complimented.

"Thank you, and what about Lisa?" I inquired, already playing my part.

"Yeah, she's getting ready too. Are you driving with Kai or coming with us?" she asked.

"We'll come with you guys. There'll be enough space," I replied, nerves and excitement building.

Kai came into the room and kissed me on the cheek.

'Hey Jennie," he takes a second to look me up and down. "Wow, you look beautiful." He says with a subtle grin on his face and his eyes still on my figure.

'Thank you, Kai.' How I wished Lisa was here to witness that reaction, it was futile otherwise.

'Okay, we're just waiting for Lisa now.' Lisa's dad said.

'Oh, shall I go get her?' I asked innocently.

'Yes, she'll be up there for hours otherwise.'

I skip out of the room and up the stairs. I get to Lisa's door and knock lightly on it.


I don't bother answering, I just walk in and close the door behind me. Lisa's eyes widen and her jaw slightly drops when she sees me.

'Hi baby, miss me?' I bat my eyes at her sweetly, as though our last encounter or the one before that had never even happened.

Lisa stood in stunned silence as her gaze traced the contours of my figure. Swiftly regaining her composure, she approached me with a graceful stride. A sleek, black dress adorned her, clinging seductively to her curves. Despite the desire to reach out and feel her warmth, I restrained myself.

"You need to change," she uttered with a low, threatening tone, her eyes darkened with intensity. Despite the subtle intimidation that made the space between my legs pang, I managed to maintain my composure.

"No, I don't think I do."

"You're gonna let him see you in this?"

"Oh, he already did, just now. But why does it matter to you? You're done with me, remember?"

'Jennie I-'

'Anyway Lisa, we have to go now.' I cut her off and sway my hips as I turn and leave her room without looking back.

In the car on our way to the restaurant, Lisa's parents occupied the front seats, while Kai, Lisa, and I shared the back. Positioned in the middle, I pressed my bare leg against hers amidst the mindless chatter around us, but I was met with rejections when she tucked them out of my reach.

Time to ruffle some feathers.

Taking Kai's hand, I held it before placing it on my bare knee, relishing his eager squeeze and the slight graze of his fingertips. Glancing to see if Lisa had noticed, I caught her glaring at my legs, her nails digging into her palms. Locking eyes with her, I smirked, revelling in the tension building between us. She's not happy, at all. Expected, but this look in her eyes was different, far extending the anger I had seen in her before.

My heart jumps to my throat as I realise I've taken it too far, but I can't back out now. Besides, I was supposed to trigger this reaction in Lisa. Let her know what she would be leaving me to if she left me. If she didn't like it then she would have no choice but to take me back.

At the restaurant, I sat beside Kai, opposite Lisa and her parents. The meal turned into a silent battle of stares between Lisa and me, unnoticed by the oblivious diners. Kai puts his arm around me and I lean into him. I want to push Lisa over the edge, so when the time is right and Kai turns to look at me, I pull him in for a short, sweet kiss.

"Not at the dinner table, Kai," his dad grunts whilst his mum gently nudges him.

"Never mind him. You guys make a beautiful couple," Lisa's mom remarked.

"Excuse me," Lisa abruptly left the table, heading to the bathroom. I contemplated whether to follow and decided against it, opting for survival over confrontation.

Five minutes later, Lisa returned with a sweet smile, occupying the space next to me. Once again sandwiched between Kai and Lisa, I turned to face her and I was met with a subtle smile.

Kai gets my attention, so I turn to face him, he talks but I stop listening when I feel a hand placed on my knee. My mind turns to jelly when it slips under my dress and travels up my thigh. Despite missing her touch, the unexpected boldness surprised me. But then again, I'm the one who had wanted to push her over the edge, to see just how far I could go before she lost her self-control. Careful what you wish for I guess.

The table's height discreetly concealed the unfolding scene, forcing me to control my reactions as soft fingers teased the top of my inner thigh.

Lisa's mom broke me out of my trance. 'You know Lisa, this was all Jennie's idea, as a going away meal for you.'

I glanced at Lisa, who maintained her sweet smile. "Thank you, Jennie. I've had..." she pressed her finger against my clothed heat, " amazing night." Suppressing a stuttered breath, I nodded in response.

Lisa continues teasing me with her fingers until her dad pays the check and we get up to leave.

We drive home with me trying to ignore the sticky, wet feeling between my legs and also Lisa's smug face, as well as Kai's rambling in my ear. I don't catch a word, my mind fixated on the recent memory of Lisa's touch which felt more like a fantasy at this moment. 

Back at Lisa's house, I rose to leave. "I should get going, guys."

"Are you sure?" Kai asked.

"Yes, it's getting late and I'm tired." He stood, kissed my cheek, and pulled me into a hug.

To my surprise, Lisa stands too and pulls me toward her, also pulling me in for a hug, this one tighter. "Thank you again, Jennie," she says and I sink into her familiar warmth without question, until she moves her mouth to my ear and sends shivers down my spine. "I'm gonna come over tonight and fuck you until your legs shake."

 I drive home with Lisa's quiet words echoing in my mind and wondering just how serious she was, though nothing about her behaviour tonight suggested she was in a joking mood.It left me wondering if I had truly pushed her past her limit and whether or not I was going to pay the price for that.

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