back to reality

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I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm, groaning as I reach over to turn it off. As I shift in bed, I realize Lisa's arm is draped over my back since I'm lying on my stomach. I set the alarm for 11 am because we have to check out by 12:30 pm. But of course, the alarm doesn't wake Lisa, so I turn to face her.

I gaze at her sleeping face, taking in every detail, as I press my naked body against hers. I don't want to disturb her because our little getaway is coming to an end. When she wakes up, we'll have to go back to reality. For now, I want to stay in this dream-like state.

Leaning closer to her, I gently caress her soft cheek with my thumb. I must have lost track of time because suddenly the second alarm I set for 11:30 am interrupts the moment.

Once again, Lisa sleeps through the alarm. I've been sleeping a lot lately, but she's always been the heavy sleeper. I'm used to it. Deciding I have to wake her up, I push her back onto the mattress and position my limbs on either side of her, my face hovering above hers. I shower her face with kisses, each one growing more intense until she finally stirs.

She scrunches up her face as she wakes up, and I stop kissing her. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me close to her, slightly suffocating me but I don't mind.

"Lisa, we need to go," I remind her.

"Mmmm, no," she mumbles.

"We have to check out, remember?"

"Just five more minutes," she pleads.

"Do you remember what happened last time you didn't listen when I told you to get up?"

Her body tenses, and then she pushes me off her and jumps out of bed.

"Okay, I'll get ready. Don't hurt me," she exclaims as she runs to the bathroom and turns on the shower.

I sit up and giggle, the sweetness shining through the bitterness.


It's a little after 12 pm, and we're both ready and packed. Lisa is sitting on the bed with her back against the headboard, and I'm sitting on her lap, hugging her tightly with my head buried in her neck.

"I don't want to go," I say, fighting back tears.

"I know, baby. I don't either," she replies, stroking my back gently and holding me tight.

I kiss her cheek and reluctantly pull away. It was time to leave.

We check out of the hotel and load our luggage into the cab. We ride in silence for a while, both of us lost in our own thoughts.

"Are you hungry?" I ask Lisa, breaking the silence. She's wearing a bucket hat low over her face, trying to hide her sad eyes. "We have time before our flight."

"Yes," she replies.

I chuckle at her bluntness.

"What's so funny?" she asks, removing her hat and giving me an annoyed look, which only makes me laugh more.

"Nothing," I say.

"Liar! You're laughing at me."

"Maybe," I smile at her, and her sadness fades as she smiles back.

We arrive at the airport, get some food and eventually board our flight. The rest of the trip isn't too bad. We're sad that it's ending, but we're grateful it happened. We don't want to waste the last moments we have together, away from everyone else.

With Lisa's head on my shoulder, she naps until we land and doesn't stir until I wake her.

We get into yet another cab once we land.

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