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I wake up to Jennie's arms wrapped around me, her body curled around mine in a cosy embrace. I turn to face her, and as her groggy eyes flutter open, she greets me with a sleepy smile before shutting them again.

"Where's my birthday kiss?" I ask gently.

She keeps her eyes closed and puckers her lips. I can't help but let out a soft giggle before leaning in to meet her puckered lips, and planting a sweet kiss on them.

Reluctantly, I remove myself from her warm embrace, causing her to groan in protest at the loss of contact. Sitting up, I reach for my phone and scoot back towards her, allowing her to wrap her arms around my waist.

Unlocking my phone, I see that it's already 10:30 AM, and there are several notifications waiting for me. A missed call and a text from my mom, a text from my dad, and a message from Rosie. I decide to read my mom's message first.

mum- Happy birthday, baby! I wanted to catch you before I went to work, but it seems like you're still asleep. I hope you have a fantastic day with your friends.

I quickly type a reply, thanking my mom and assuring her that I just woke up and will talk to her later, asking her to call me during her lunch break. Then, I move on to Rosie's message.

rosie- happy birthday, bitch! When you get back, I'm going to sit on you until you tell me who you've gone to Jeju to celebrate with. But for now, I hope you have an awesome time on my behalf.

I smirk mischievously while responding, playfully letting her know that she won't get far with her interrogation plans and expressing my gratitude for the birthday wishes. 

Finally, I open my dad's message, which simply says, 'happy birthday, Lisa.'

With a brief 'thank you, dad,' I send my reply and toss my phone aside, sinking back onto the bed. To Jennie's delight, I settle back into her comforting embrace, feeling her arms enveloping me.

"You know, it feels like all you do lately is sleep," I tease her.

"Well, you've been draining all my energy these past few days."

I playfully pout. "You need to work on your stamina."

Jennie smirks. "My stamina is fine; yours is just excessive."

We share a knowing look before reaching a compromise. "Okay, we'll work on it together," I say.

"Happy birthday again," she adds, her voice filled with warmth.

I smile gratefully. "Thank you, baby."

Lying in Jennie's arms feels absolutely perfect. This entire trip has been amazing, and it would've been the ideal time to tell her I love her. Deep down, I've known it for weeks, but I've been holding back. I had to bite my tongue constantly because I felt it so intensely so often.  I can't confess my feelings until she ends things with Kai. Even if she were to say she loves me back—which I'm certain she would—it wouldn't mean much when she's still telling Kai the same thing. So, for now, I must exercise patience and hope that Jennie keeps her promise to break up with him sooner or later.


It's already 5 PM, and we've returned to our hotel room after another day out on Jeju Island. Jennie made sure we were back before evening, and I've been keeping an eye on my phone, responding to the birthday messages I've received throughout the day. I also managed to have phone calls with both my mum and Rosie.

Now, we're sitting together on the bed when my phone starts ringing. I glance at the screen to see Kai's name, and my heart begins to race. Panic washes over me, clouding my thoughts as I imagine him discovering the truth about Jennie and me. Sensing my distress, Jennie places a comforting hand on mine.

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