what I came for (M)

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It's 3 am, and Lisa still hasn't arrived. My doubts about her showing up lingered, but I held on to a glimmer of hope, hoping we could talk and sort things out. Changing into a night tee and shorts, I was about to prepare for bed when my phone buzzed - a message from Lisa.

'I'm outside.'

I tiptoed downstairs, unlocking the front door. She walked up to me.

"What are you doing here?" I spoke in hushed tones.

"I told you I was coming."

"Seriously? You show up at my house at three in the morning and expect me to let you fuck me? You must be joking."

However, as she stepped into the house and I saw her in the light, her eyes had darkened, and her face held no trace of amusement. She was dead serious.

She pushed past me and headed to my room. I noticed she had a backpack, and I knew then her intentions.

Gulping, I locked the door, silently following her up the two flights of stairs. She was already seated on my bed, palms stretched out against the mattress, waiting. After making sure to lock the door, I sat beside her.

"Lisa, I think we need to talk," I say quietly, not quite meeting her eyes because I'm not sure I believed my own words and my gaze might give away my desire. I reach out for her hand. 

"I didn't come here to talk." She pulled her hand away and grabbed me by the waist, laying me flat on the bed. It had been so long since I found myself in this position that arousal started to build between my legs almost instantly.

Lowering her head, she connected our lips roughly, showing no interest in taking it slow. Her tongue pushed into my mouth, and I accepted it eagerly. With her earlier foreplay and the time that had passed since our last intimate moment, my head grew clouded. The urgency of discussing our issues seemed to fade away.

Our mouths moved together in a heated dance, and a soft moan escaped my lips, prompting her to break the kiss. I groaned at the interruption, but she ignored me, pulling her head away to look down at me. There was no affection in her expression. 


She got off me, and I quickly complied, lying naked in the middle of the bed while I heard her fumbling with her backpack.

I'm not sure what's gotten into me, was I so sex deprived that I was obeying everything she said despite her disrespecting me?Or maybe I just wanted to please her. I had caused her pain, and now I would do anything to make her happy, even sacrificing my self-respect, because a part of me knew I deserved it, the other part was getting off on it.

She gets back on top of me and I feel her bare leg on mine, but she still has her shirt on. She leans down and I lift my head to kiss her again but she pulls away. I groan again but lower my head back down upon seeing her warning expression.

Lisa leans down again but this time to my neck, she brushes my hair out of the way, at first leaving soft kisses, the most affection she had shown me so far, before becoming more aggressive and sucking in different spots.

I know I should stop her, but my head is so clouded by lust and need to please her after not having her for over five weeks that I let her mark me, consequences be damned. I would let her do whatever she wanted to me because whatever she was willing to give was undoubtedly better than nothing.

She moves her attention down to my collarbone and then to my breasts, licking my nipples for only a second before focusing on the skin around them. She sucks my skin, even occasionally nipping me with her teeth, all the way down to my stomach then adjusts her body and places her head between my legs all whilst I squirm underneath her.

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