stop fighting it

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Lisa had invited herself to the theatre. It wasn't until I got there that I found out. Her mother made it very clear to me that Lisa was not the type to enjoy theatre, for she had asked her on numerous occasions to accompany her but she declined. However, on this particular night, Lisa jumped at the chance. I didn't have to think too much to know why.

It was just the three of us. Mrs Manoban was overjoyed for a girls' night with her daughter and potential daughter-in-law. I, on the other hand, who had been looking forward to a night out, was now dreading the moment Lisa would get me alone. It was unlikely she would let the chance go, or she would never have gate-crashed.

I had said all I needed to say though. I'm not sure what more she wanted. Actually, I did know. She had made it clear she wanted me, despite my relationship with her older brother. The situation between us had been equally exhilarating and distressing, but it would end tonight. I would be making that clear to Lisa while keeping a distance between us because my intentions usually dissipated when she got too close.

Lisa's expression is unreadable when we first lock eyes. Her presence stuns me and my steps slow. Moments later, Mrs Manoban catches sight of me, prompting me to smile and recover my pace. After usual pleasantries, she leads the way to our seats, with Lisa following behind me, which meant I was seated in between them both. I find myself shifting closer to the older woman, while I caught Lisa looking at me in my peripheral vision.

We hadn't spoken a word to each other.

The lights dim and the show starts whilst Lisa's arm finds its way over the armrest, hovering above my seat. I pretend I don't notice. It inches closer still. I cross my leg over the other, putting as much distance as possible between us.

The audience erupts into laughter, startling me. I didn't catch the joke. I wasn't paying attention. Lisa takes advantage, her hand slipping behind my back. I lean away from her touch and she retreats. I hear her scoff.

I turn to her, my face the poster of exasperation at her audacity. Not only for touching me, but to then also acting as if I owed her it, that I was in the wrong for resisting. She deadpans me before turning her head to her lap. The subtle flash of her phone screen lights her face. My phone buzzes in my pocket.

I don't make a move to check it. But then it happens again, and again until I give in to her stubbornness and pull it out discreetly.

lisa- we need to talk
lisa- answer
lisa- answer
lisa- i won't stop
lisa- answer

This girl had no shame.

me- i have nothing to say

A reply within seconds.

lisa- well i do

me- we'll talk after then
me- now leave me alone

I half expect her to text again, but she doesn't. She remains in her own seat without creeping onto mine for the rest of the show, but it still doesn't completely ease the tension that hangs thickly in the small space between us. 

The final scene begins, drawing my attention back to the stage, but I had missed too much of the show to know what was going on. I join in with the applause anyway when it comes to its end, smiling at Lisa's mum when she turns to me and asks me what I thought just as the curtain closes and the lights turn on. 

"It was great," I tell her, silently praying she didn't initiate a discussion, but it's Lisa who saves me from it.

Just as we're leaving the theatre room, her mother delves into who she regarded as the star of the show and before she can ask me my opinions, Lisa interrupts her. "Jennie and I were going to go for ice cream after this mum," she says without looking at me. "Do you want to join us?"

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