hotel (M)

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"Take me somewhere, Lisa."

I scan her eyes searching for answers to questions I hadn't even asked yet. The main one being - what? But Jennie's lips are back on mine before I can get the words out of my throat.

"Take me, Lisa," she gasps and breaks away again. "Before I change my mind."

"Take you where, Jennie?"

Her head drops forward, her forehead knocking against mine, breathing heavily against my cheek. "Away. Somewhere we can spend the night."

"Are you sure?"

"Don't ask me that, Lisa. Please. Just take me now."

"Okay," I nod. "Let's find somewhere." 

I pull my phone from my pocket and open maps to find the closest place. The light from the phone shines on Jennie's face who still sat on my lap, looking down at my phone screen. Her makeup was smudged and her hair was dishevelled with a pink tint to her cheeks that made me want to abandon looking for somewhere else and just lay her down across the back seats of her car. 

I avert my gaze back down and pretend the girl on my lap isn't a significant distraction. Being in the middle of town, they were a couple of places close by. I click on a hotel and turn it to Jennie so she doesn't have to look at it upside down. She scans my screen before nodding at me.

"It's close. Do you want to walk?"

"No. We should drive. I need to clear my head a bit." 

I look at her blankly, waiting for the same thought I was having to occur to her. "Are you sure you want to clear your head?"

She nods. "I need to."

"You should clear your head and then decide if you want to go to a hotel with me then."

"I'm not gonna change my mind, Lisa. Not tonight."

"So, it's just a one-night thing?" I scoff. 

She leans down and kisses my lips in response. "I need to know for sure," she whispers.

"Know what?"

"How I feel."

"I think you already know how you feel."

"I don't. I need to think about it more."

"You think too much."

"Lisa, God! What will it take to get you into bed?" She loses her cool and snaps. I can't help laughing. "I don't want to talk anymore tonight. Please. We can talk tomorrow."

"Fine. Get into the front." I hold her waist and nudge her around, helping her climb into the driver's seat before taking my place in the passenger seat. 

Jennie starts the car and drives out of the parking lot. 

"What changed your mind?"

"You did."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. You reminded me how it's wrong for me to stay with Kai even if I stop this with you. You called me a coward. You danced with that girl," she lists her reasons without pausing.

"So, you were jealous?"

"I don't know if jealous is the right word. At first, I was annoyed you walked off from me and left me alone in a bar where I didn't know anyone that you brought me to. I got angrier when I realised you abandoned me for someone else, and then I was angrier because you were ignoring me, but I flipped out when she spoke to me. I don't think I was jealous, just angry."

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