Chap 1

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Caroline's POV

I was sitting down on my dorm room bed while looking at a picture of me and Tyler. I had been crying all day because he dumped me for that Were-Slut Hayley. The funny thing is I was actually happy that we broke up. I already knew that me and him should've broke up a while ago because he was already dead to me the day he left for the first time.

Everything is pretty much a mess.


"You miss me Care?" Tyler smirked

"Hey Ty!" I gave him a quick hug and he squeezed me

" Want get out of here and grab lunch? I know the perfect place and my classes don't start for another two weeks!" I smiled

"Nah baby I want to stay right here with you." Tyler smirked with fire in his eyes

"But don't we-" I was started to say when Tyler cut me off

" Caroline, i'm only going to be here for today I'm leaving tonight. I know I've been gone a lot and I'll miss you so much. The pack really needs me right now especially Haley." Tyler pleaded

"Tyler why do you always do this!" I threw my hand up getting frustrated he was about to cut me off again but I was faster, oh he's gonna get it I thought before beginning the inevitable break up rant.

" I feel like I haven't even talk to the real Tyler, the one I fell in love with in ages. I know you're going and fucking that damn where slut Hayley you and her are together up in those mountains and I know it! Don't even try to deny it Tyler!! I can smell her on you!" I practically screamed while trying to keep myself composed and stop myself from crying


"You what Tyler? Do you want to just keep lying to my face we have been over for a while now whether you admit it or not. I am not your little plaything and you cannot just throw me out like a toy like every other God damn person in my life has! First you hated klaus more than you loved me. Then of course you don't even like me, you just like the idea of me. The perfect little blonde. *scoff* AND ON TOP OF THAT YOU ARE WITH THAT DAMN WHORE ALL THE TIME AND DONT EVEN TELL ME AS IF I WONT FIND OUT MYSELF!" I was full on angry sobbing now

Tyler just stood there and then apologized quickly and left.

He simply left me in my dorm.

End of flashback

I should not be here just wallowing in self pity! I'm Caroline Forbes. I need to distract myself. Hmmm how about shopping! Perfect

1 hour later

I was in a shopping plaza 10 minutes away from Whitmore's campus. I was just correcting myself by shopping I'm going into various jewelry and clothing stores. Right now I was standing in a particularly expensive diamond shop that had prices that cost more then my tuition. I was looking at a certain bracelet that reminded me of the one class got me the day after my birthday.

Then suddenly it's like I was taken into my own head, seeing memories of klaus

I just stood in my own head and watched as the many memories of his promises and jewels filled my head. Then I snapped back to reality.

Some fancy looking lady behind the counter was looking at me but I didn't care I quickly exited the shop. I was still processing what had happened just now.

I had a memory flood of.. Klaus? It felt like I missed him so much it was a connection.
I thought intently

I have been thinking of him a lot when Tyler was gone- I thought but instead of my insecurities telling me " oh it's just because you're emotionally vulnerable after the break up" " He probably doesn't even remember who you are"

A longing filled my heart. It was like our two hearts were tethered and in that moment I could feel him thinking of me too.

But then just as I snapped back to reality again I felt is syringe plunged into my neck and fire coursing through my veins. I'd been Vervained. A strange witch stared at me and quickly said "night night" before I passed out.

Hybrids, mates, and love- KlarolineWhere stories live. Discover now