The Perfect Day

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Art by- Boro on Twitter


The sun's soft touch wakes me from a deep sleep. I sigh as the sound of the ocean comes through the window and pull the covers closer to my face. My bed attempts to lure me back to sleep, but I deny it. Slowly opening my eyes, surprise jolts me awake.

I'm definitely in a cottage, but it's not mine. A bookshelf stands where my hidden Monokuma shelf used to be and books cover a table nearby, however, the most noticeable difference is the homeliness of the room. It's slightly dirty. There's a small kitchen in the corner with dishes piled in the sink and a table with two chairs. There's a dresser and mirror too and pictures pepper the walls.

Where am I..?

I try to look around the cottage some more, but I'm interrupted by an arm around my waist and something snuggling against my back. I freeze.

"...Are you awake?" A voice asks. I roll over to find a young man lying next to me. He smiles sleepily and places a hand on my cheek. "Hmm... Good morning, my love."

My cheeks grow hotter by the second.


That is... Nagito right?

He looks different...

He's bigger and has more muscle. His skin is less pale, looking more like my tone only a little lighter. His eyes are a brighter green too, but the biggest difference is his hair, which is a beautiful, light brown going just over his shoulders. It's darkest at the roots, getting lighter and lighter as it goes down until the tips are almost white. It's messy with sleep right now, but it looks way healthier than normal. I stare at him, mesmerized by the man before me.


"...Do we really have to go to that breakfast?" He asks, closing his eyes. "Maybe... we should just spend our anniversary here... sleeping." He runs his nails over my arm from under the covers, giving me goosebumps. My heart rings through my ears.


"...Five years today..." Nagito whispers, snuggling closer. We stay like that for a moment, though I'm sure I'm about to pass out before he sighs and slowly sits up. He stretches his arms to the ceiling. "...But I suppose we can't stay in bed forever, as much as I wish we could. Don't be too long, okay?"

He softly plants a kiss on my forehead and gets out of bed. He takes some clothes from the dresser and goes into the bathroom. Seconds later, the shower turns on. The world spins as I touch my forehead.

What. Was. That?

...H-He kissed me! H-He really kissed me! He called me his love, he cuddled up next to me, he touched my cheek!

He kissed me!

I stare at the ceiling as I try to comprehend my situation. My face is still warm as I replay the kiss over and over again. I shove my face into a pillow.

I need to find out wants going on..!

Getting out of bed, I look around the cottage for any clues to my situation. I check the bookshelf and find all of Nagito's favorite books. From ones he's read in every reality to ones I've introduced to him, they're all there, neatly stacked on the shelf. Even The Tragedy is there, with bookmarks and notes inside.

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