chapter eleven

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It was a fact, no matter how many people wanted to openly deny it

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It was a fact, no matter how many people wanted to openly deny it.

When you become aware of your feelings for someone, you tend to react unconsciously to the things they do. You sometimes make a fool out of yourself, or if you are the lucky ones, who don't.

It accurately fluctuates.

Louis Weasley, well, he was unfortunately not one of the lucky ones. In the element of his own surprise, he knew this full well, despite him trying his best to hide it.

His heart raced and his palms tended to get sweaty. Quite frankly, the poor fella was a complete mess from his usual appearance and he was not even aware of it.

For the people that admired him, they failed to see it since they only ever saw him in a spotlight of perfect.

However, for people who knew him in more of a familial or friendly term—they saw all the exploit. The Weasley was entertainment, to say the least and people knew immediately who was the cause.

It was no secret about his affection for Seo Chang, except maybe herself. Though, that was only because she was a natural expert of being dense.

At least, that was the lenient term for her inexperience. Seo, however, felt the shift in her own emotions that were completely foreign to her. She did, nevertheless, know that the emotions only woke when she was near a certain Weasley.

Her mind muddled into fuzziness whenever he came into sight and regardless of hiding it perfectly well, even Seo couldn't overpower the blooming bud in her chest.

"Come on, would you not agree that this face deserves the pleasure of hearing 'Louis' over 'Weasel'" Louis low key took the moment spared without an audience in the common room to flirt with Seo.

Seo rolled her eyes and stared blankly at the male," You can't charm me, Weasel"

Louis huffed playfully as he turned away and couldn't deny the giddiness in his chest. When there was no one around, he was able to keep his nerves in check, but the moment someone was near—He knew that the him right the moment wouldn't have been able to trifle without flaw.

"Why do you refuse to just call me by my name?" He dared to ask straightly but noticed that Seo had her face glued to a book.

For a moment he did a double-take at the sudden object's appearance. He then narrowed his gaze at the book and swore that the inanimate object was his rival in pursing Seo in any way.

"Have you made up with your cousin?" Seo asked nonchalantly and reigning victory on changing the topic—One in which she refused to end up conversating about. She didn't have a proper explanation for why she refused to call him his name.

'Weasel' felt special to her, because no one called him it. It was her own special name and she would be upset if that was taken from her.

Louis sighed at her question and thought about averting the topic, but he knew she meant well. After all, it was not the first time she brought it up, because despite Seo personally not having any involvement with family—She still knew how important it was to Louis.

He tried not to show it, but the quarrel between him and James was affecting him.

"Can't it wait a little lon—"

"No" Seo cut him off as she lowered her book giving him a stern stare," You can't let this prolong any longer"

Louis groaned in defeat but before he completely gave in, he grinned mischievously," Only if you make a deal with me"

Seo deadpanned at him and she knew she had the privilege to deny it, because Louis would make up with his cousin even without a deal, but she decided to entertain his shenanigans for once.

"Fine, what do you want?"

He gave her a toothy grin while pointing a finger to her," You go on a date with me and only call me Louis the entire time"

The female Ravenclaw's eyes grew and that very moment, she knew that she shouldn't have agreed to the deal after all. Yet, even with wanting to be against it—her heart fluttered for a second at the idea of going on a date with him.

"And I thought I was the callous one" Seo grumbled to herself as she pouted

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