chapter one

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Naya sighed while elbowing Scorpius on the side of his stomach," Scorp, you're staring again"

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Naya sighed while elbowing Scorpius on the side of his stomach," Scorp, you're staring again"

It took a fool to not know who he was staring at. A certain humble and intelligent red-head female that caught his eye for so many years.

Rose Granger-Weasley.

Scorpius coughed to cover up the embarrassment of being caught as he peered over to one of his best mates. He silently mouthed 'thanks' as he turned his head back down to continue and write the essay, they were both working on for Alchemy

The subject that the two excelled in immensely and probably found the most common in. However, it was not how the two had become close at all—in fact, it was laughable how they met.

Taking back from their final year—the two had met the summer before their first year.

Naya and her fathers were both at Diagon Alley getting all of her required material for her first year in Hogwarts. It was a normal day, nothing exciting or wrong was going on—however, stumbling upon a family had ended for the complete opposite.

Naya had separated from her fathers, while she was getting distracted with anything that caught her eye. Upon taking a turn at a shop that was lined with a few books that interested her, she bumped into the back of a male that was also drawn to the same store.

However, with the two distracted on the shop—they failed to realize the presence of each other that led to them both crashing into each other. The pair had both fell and let out the same groans of pain—however, they both recovered and sent harsh hostile glares towards each other.

Thus, began the blame game between the two 11-year old's. Which prolonged to the point of their parents finding them—which turned for the worst. Considering that Naya's fathers and Scorpius' Father were not on the greatest of terms.

It was tense and the two children ended up halting seeing feeling the heavy air surrounding them.

When the children shared looks—they both ended up apologizing to each other before they were guided away by their parents who had grown anxious towards each other.

When they reached a safe distance, Naya took the chance to ask her fathers—but neither gave her a direct answer.

She only got her answer the moment she arrived at school because it didn't take long for people to start whispering about the twin Malfoy siblings.

The two that instantly became the rumoured children of the late Dark Lord, in which had Naya commented as 'Complete rubbish' which resulted in outlandishly her finding a friend in the male Malfoy she had a bad encounter with at Diagon Alley who was sat near her at their house table.

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